We Came from X - Lost one


We Come From X .


Username : KwonJiYeen
Nickname : JiYeen

/; The Basics.
Number : 9
Earth Name : Ryana JiYeen
Nicknames : Yeen
Earth Age : 19
Age kidnapped : 9
Gender : Female
Orinial Planet your from : |  Mercury  |  Venus  |  Earth  |  Mars  |  Jupiter  |  Saturn  |  Uranus  |  Neptune  |  Pluto  |  X  |  EXO  |  Mato  |
/; Something Strange.
Eye Color : Brown  photo Untitled_zps7ab3d302.jpg
" />
Powers : 
MAJOR POWERS  |  Time  |  Telekinesis  |  Astral Projecting  |  Cloning  |  Force Fields  |  Possession  |  Ice  |  Flight   |  Water |  Fire  |  Wind/Air  |  Lightning  |  Ground/Earth  |  Invisiblity |
|  Healing { to heal another and not yourself } .  |
|  Power Mimcry { to copy ones powers for a tempory time } .  |
|  Illusion { to create an illusion around ones surroundings } .  |
|  Atmokinesis { to manipulate weather } .  |
|  Conjuration { creating an object at will } .  |
|  Deflection { to delfect a power and send it back } .  |
|  Fear Amplification { to enhance ones fears } .  | 
|  Kiss/Touch of Death { slowly drains life out of whatever you want to kill } .  |
|  Fear Projection { to project someones fear , making it seem like it's happening in real life } .  |
|  Memory Manipulation { to take ones memories and change it } .  |
|  Mind Manipulation { to create a thought in ones mind and make them believe it } .  |
|  Power Replication { if a power is used against you , you copy that power and keep it as your own forever } .  |
|  Pyrokinesis { to create fire in hands out of thin air  } .  |
|  Hyrokinesis { to create water in hands out of thin air } .  | 
|  Electrokinesis { to create lightning/electricity in hands from thin air } .  |
|  Glamouring { to change one's appearance to anyone } .  |
|  Acid Secretion { to create acid } .  |
| Immobilization { a hand gesture to freeze a living being } .  |
|  Combustion { a hand gesture to make a living being expolde } .  |
|  Inceneration { to burn something with one touch } .  |
|  Teleportation - smoke , flaming , water , shimmer , blinking , ash , lightning , light .  [example Teleportaion , flaming . bold the power and how you want to teleport]  |
MINOR POWERS  |  Fire balls  |  Super speed  |  Super strength  |  Camouflage  |  Dream leaping  |  
|  Energy balls { electric balls } .  |
|  Premonitions { to see slightly into the future } . |
|  Suggestion { to whisper in ones ear and suggest something and make them believe it } .  |
|  Sensing { to sense someone around . A loved one or an enemy } .  |
|  Intangibility { to pass through solid objects } .  |
|  High resistance { to take in a blow with minimal damage } .  |  
|  Augmentation { enhance ones powers } .  |
|  Calling { to call out to someone and they will hear your calls } .  |
|  Discord { to create conflics } .  |
|  Holograms { to create holograms of yourself . different from clones . Holograms aren't soild } .  |
|  Immunity { no sickness , diseases } .  |
|  Rage Projections { to bring out ones rage } .  |
|  Regeneration { to heal be able to heal yourself only } .  |
Elements |  Earth  |  Light  |  Dark  |  Fire  |  Water  |  Air  |  Time |
/; Looks.
Ulzzang name : Kim Shin Yeong
Picture Links : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Back-up Ulzzang name : Song Ah Ri
Links : 1 | 2 | 3
/; Dig A Little Deeper .
Personal : My family were not from here actually, we're from planet Saturn, but we went to planet X after we found out there's an organization wanted to kill us. My family were well-known back at Saturn, my mother are the last princess of Saturn. They believe that the last princess will have an ultimated power(that's what they think), but since my mother have a princess(me), I'm the last princess now and 'they' are coming after me.
Background + Personality : I'm a cute, can't say pretty just average girl, smart, athletic and talented since I'm a little girl, well I get that from my mother I guess. I have an older brother who love, care and always protect me. I must say, my brother are like a perfect gentleman; top student in both academic and sports, top runner, plays piano, respect elders, knows martial arts(he always protect me), but he really hate people who's messing with him and our family and girls who are fake. We live our life averagely but happily in this new planet until one day, we found out that the organization knew we're here.
The last option we have is to fight back but we know that only the four of us wouldn't be able to win againts them. So, my parents have to send us; my brother and I to Earth for our safety. He promised to take good care of me. Though we're sad to leave our parents, but there's nothing much we can do. Unless we get stronger and train to get our revenge one day. I was the first to reached Earth. Unfortunately as soon as I reached the ground, there were people waiting for me. I was kipnapped in front of my brother's eyes. Till this day, he is still trying to find me, hoping that I am still alive. Our memories bout every single thing that happen in our life are still clear. I even sometimes get nightmare bout being seperated from my family. I'm finding my ways to search for my brother~ 


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Finally done with this~