I'll never understand...

well,straight to the point.I'll never freaking understand how fans can 'leave fandom' .I mean this kpop we're talking about.Once you get attached to something.You get attached to it forever *coughs* except for biases of course *coughs* 

anyways,like some fans *not saying any name* after seeing their idols having some small scandals and they decided to go "oh my god! I never knew he/she is like this.I have always respected him/her all this while.I'm so leaving this fandom" 

come on! HOW THE FLIPPING HECK YOU EVEN LEAVE  A FANDOM? I mean you can say that you want to leave a fandom but you will always come back to the fandom as you feel something attached to the fandom.Like me,I'm a proud ELF,no matter what I can never leave ELF and I always come back.The happiness,sadness and memories that I went through were just unforgettable.I always come back to watch all of SJ videos although I have watched it countless times and even downloaded it,syncing it in my ipod watching it all over again.

I never get bored.There is some attachment to SJ you know? like any other fandoms or as I like to call 'family' cassies,Shawols,Sones,Babys,IAMs,Hottests and more *just name it.I can't list down everything* they all have some kind of attraction to their group.I just can't understand how do someone 'leave the fandom'.I'll never understand these kind of people :( 


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Its shows that they are nt into them thats why . i understand u feelings , if they really are "inlove" with them they will nvr ever ever leave the fandom no matter what happen .
I know how you feel, and I've been wondering about that too :\ I've always wondered how they can just give up like that, I mean if they were a true fan they wouldn't leave just like that
leficklerabbit #3
Some people "die out" or sometimes they have so many responsibilities that they find no time to like them as hardcore as they did in the past.
Though I have "taken a break" from a fandom before cause the company had seemed to lost hope on it and they seemed near the stage of disbanding which scared me...
But they did so... :(