I won't be around for awhile...

... Not that I've really been on here as much as I used to/want to be. But the reality that I am in over my head in life catches up to me on a daily basis. Most of you know I'm in my final stretch of graduate school so that I can get my Master's Degree. I have postponed the test twice because I am just not ready... so, sadly, I won't be getting my degree this semester either. (I only get two tries at the test). Ugh, and we just can't move on with life (or just plainly, MOVE) until I pass this ty thing.  (SOOO HARRRRDDDDD). The hubs and I are trying to figure out just WHAT THE to do next, but it's all hanging on my success or fail of this program. //ugly sobs

So... I need to get my together like a real grown-up, is what I'm saying!! With my final research paper due EVER *hooray* on 4/19 and a final on 5/1, I will probably feel slightly more sane (SLIGHTLY) so maybe I'll have some update ideas around that time. I have no idea. Maybe not. At any rate, I'm going to be pulling away from el computer for awhile. So, technically, just consider everything on hiatus.

I wrote a 2min one-shot the other day and posted it here, if you haven't read it. (thanks to you who did!). I kinda feel like hanging around AFF to write is a waste of my otherwise semi-valuable time (valuable in terms of turning gray in front of legions of books). That one-shot took me a long time to write and many sacrificed brain cells died in its making, so I felt kinda bummed. Anyway, boo hoo to me~ (//not)

That and, since the year I joined AFF, I've lost touch with so many people who have just moved on, dropped off the radar, or got preoccupied with their own real lives, so I feel lonely when I'm here sometimes. I see a lot of other people complaining about the lack of quality writing on AFF and it gets annoying 'cause some of us really try hard, ya know? Anyway, that's a pet-peeve of mine.  

I really hate change, and I really hate missing people. :(  If you're even reading this - those who I once talked to all the time - I hope you guys are doing well. And for those of you who are reading this who feel **I** am one of those people, I really am sorry. I'm not usually a flaky person and I am not prone to time-mgmt issues as I have been suffering as of late. (even if I don't talk to you as much, I still care!!!)

So... I told myself I would just limit my online exposure for the next few months instead of dramatically cutting myself off completely (my last resort if need be); I am still accessible in other ways (limited email, Tumblr, Twitter, FB, SFI, Kakao/Line), and I'll periodically check my AFF accnt too. Okay, that's my rant for now. I started updating "Reborn for You" last week but got stuck, so maybe I'll get inspired while reading "Sartor Resartus" (lolololololololololololololol Thomas Carlyle is rolling in his grave); and I sitll want to finish Land Mines, plus work on Red Light D, but I don't see it happening soon. Sorry. 


Bye bye for now~



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I'm sad, Unnie.
But I understand.
Lately, I've been MIA also. Even now, I have no clue when/how long ago you wrote this blog b/c I've been away from AFF so much and probably will be for awhile more. (You have a much better excuse than I do, though.)
I blame this oh, so beautiful- AND CANCELLED ;^;- BL Showtime show<3 Hate(LOVE) how obsessive I always get.
But, anyway; You'll be missed (:
I totally get you. MY school is in total crunch mode for AIMS, IGCSE, APs and Finals. I"m losing my mind. I've been plagued by this oneshot I was supposed to finish in November but never got around to. I would take a break for now, so that when you come back you can write even more SHINee goodness! :D I wish you the best on your final exam! ^^ Fighting! <3
SHINeeFever_95 #3
Good Luck Unnie. I really hope you'll succeed ! Do well~
So much respnsabilities...it's scaring. I have to prepare for my A Levels Exam too so I kinda "forgot" AFF even though I try to check on my account everyday...I think I should go on "hiatus" from here a little too, but I'm too addicted.
I hope next time you come too give news you'll be braging about how good you did on your Master Degree (no pressure, just LOVE and SUPPORT) *big hug*
Gambatte Unnie~! <3
Erinya #4
Real life needs to be a priority but let's keep in touch somehow! I have Kakao and Line too, I'll PM you my ID's. ^^
Fighting unnie~!! :3
I know how it feels the pressure of finish some huge project or in your case you Master Degree~ ugh I just wanted to be here all day long....but I couldn't escape from reality so yeah, just cope with it a little bit more :3
Finish all the things you have to do, and then come back to us :DD
We, faithfull readers and friends, will be waiting for you ^^ waiting to hear good news of course~ I know you will do great on your Degree (I just know it~ I'm a psychic~ xD)

So the words are not 'Good luck', but 'Sucess!' :D
It's okay. Since I'm getting ready for AP Exams and Finals, I've not update my fic in awhile and haven't completely finished my first chapter for my new fic *sigh, Life's complicated.
I hope you get your Master's Degree, bb!
My suggestion is: Stop coming onto AFF, if it's interferring with your studies & school.
It's really bad, and I'm not saying don't ever come on, but don't go on AFF as much as you usually do.
Just concentrate on school, and work really hard to get stuff done! & go hang out with your friends, to revamp your social life! ^^

Hope everything gets better, unnie! <333
purplexballoon #8
Good luck unnie! Wish you all the best of luck! Looking forward to reading more of your stories when you've finished^^
We're all here to wish you luck to get that Degree :) When you made it, we'll have a party ^^

Good Luck with everything, I'll miss you :(
That's rude of the person who requested the oneshot to not even bother reading it! :(

Life is catching up on everyone and sometimes it ! I hope everything goes well for you, fighting! <3
It's cool^^ do what you have too okay, just remember that your still amazing in all that you do [^•^] and ill be here cheering you on! Aja Aja Unnie!!!!!!! Just try to get on every once in a while to update us on life okay!
Aww i understan :) you need to get your life more or less figured out; we'll miss you on AFF but take all the time you need. I'll still be eagerly waiting for updates even if they take years ♥ Wish you the best ! ~
No worries babe. Just don't die on me with the work pile you've got going on. Keep calm and SHINee on....yeah on second thought, don't do that. They'll just fucck with yo concentration :3
Good luck with school! Work hard and get 'er done ;)