This is just a random rant... I've been having rather a crap day.. and someone is even ruining it even more. 

So today's 5th period, I have maths.. one of my hated subject.. its not because of the subject but my teacher CANT.TEACH.AT.ALL and im already in yr 10 so i have to do well for maths but I OBVIOUSLY CANT since my teachers is pretty crap to even explain  

and in maths class, i sit in a group of table with my friend. but this girl, she sits with us alot.. since i like joking around with my friends (kinda meanly but its for fun and we're all close) 

THIS GIRL kept commenting on everything I do! Its pissing me off soo bad.. 

i confronted her about it and she wouldnt even budge or even shut the f**k up. 


what should I do? 


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iloveexo10 #1
i have a teacher who is just like that!!!!
just ignore her and hopefully she'll get the idea that u dont wanna talk to her.

Or maybe try sitting elsewhere for a bit and see what happens. chill a bit hun :P