The Hunger Games: College Edition

Let me tell you something. Not everyone has to compete for classes in this world...


But I...




Once a semester it has been decided that all men and all women elegible must take part in a competition to the death, with only a few rising as victors... 


Yes. Indeed this is it.





You must probably be thinking:


But I'm for serious.


Every time it's the same thing. You sit there in the computer waiting for your time to sign up to open up so you can test how fast of a typer you really can be.


This time I had to sign up at 5pm and at 4:50 I was still unsure of how to arrange my classes! And there were only 5 spots or less in all the classes I wanted to take...


It was touch and go for a moment. I was yelling at my computer like


But I rose vicotious!


I feel like I've aged more in those 30 seconds than in the whole entirety of the semester. BUT at least it's over!!!!!!



... Until next semester O.O... T.T


HOWEVER... After all of this... And probably cutting other unlucky students of their chance... After all my hard work....





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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
lol XD
Kris "Yes yes I'm awesome." hahaha XD
Fighting for next semester. ^^