Am I boring? Or are you?

I am surprised.


It has been a while since I randomly commented on blogs.


I never do that often although I must say there are a few worthy people I became friends with only because I randomly browse AFF and commented on their blogs. There are only two places I get friends in aff.. In stories and blogs. I don't do roleplays (I am just not good at it) and random wallposts? I tried accpeting a few but they never talked to me so what more can this poor unnie do? Graphic shops? Minimal talent which is wrapped with laziness.


I want to be proactive and talk to people since I live such a boring life.


Maybe keeper is right.. I am kind of thinking I am the one who is boring.




Anyway, I am off topic again..


commenting on random blogs..

why is there a scarce supply of good blogs to comment on? >.< 


This blog is not good itself (wouldn't even pass as a rant blog) but who needs my opinion anyway? 




Keeper I am being a creeper and tries commenting on random blogs and stories in aff. I will see how much actually responds. LOL


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My first comment on your blog *smile*

I should go and do comment on random blogs lol I had done it so seldom, I only comment on friends blogs, maybe I'll find some interesting things.

I comment on some stories I find on 'Random Story' I sometimes find good ones
Am I right in what exactly?
Haha. Try it. It's fun to troll other people with my seemingly mature and sensible comments. Lol xD
Kris-C25 #3
LOLOLOL. I, myself, can feel you.

I can talk to you! :DD LOLOLOL.