OTL i wanted to sleep.

but some neighbour is like his garden at 11am in the morning. FFSSSSS TT___________TT

the noise..is seriously asdfghjkl.

i feel like telling him to STFU.

trololol xD


guess what ?


im moody when i get woken from my shleeeep. ;3 trolololl.


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TROLOLOLOL WHAT. okay fine. its not that bad. but id still be awake at that time so wouldnt be a problem for me ;3 but 11AM TT___TT AND I WAS SLEEPINGGGGG. OTL OTL OTL.
lol, i think it's better than my neighbour vacuuming his bathroom which is right next to mine since my room and his bathroom is by a corner at what....2 IN THE FREAKING MORNING?!