"I'm only going to write 2 stories at a time so I can focus and not neglect any" I said almost 4 months ago.

How in the holy hell did they turn into 6 stories?

Bless the lord I finished IMC. Seriously. Otherwise I'd have 7.

You know LH and The Twist have been neglected drastically even though I'm working on them but it's been over a month since their updates? ; u ;

I is a bad writer. Do not love me ...

I is liar.

I is obsessed with using "I is" because idk.. it just sounds fun

I is going to stop now. My rant is over.

*bows apologetically*

Btw. Please read When I Was Your Man~~ I liked my fluffyness. Unless you've read The Story of Us then don't read it cause I realized there's a part that sounds like it.

TROLOLOLOLOLOL! I copy off myself~~


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