North Korea and Suicide Forest In Japan.

Yesterday, for some reason, Youtube dropped a random video in my suggestion box and told me to watch it. It was a video called "Suicide Forest in Japan". Doesn't that just sound weird? I've never heard about that place until yesterday. Right away I thought, "Why was this suggested to me...?" It's not like I go near those things like cutting or killing myself or whatsoever. 

Anyways, out of curiousity, I clicked the video and watched it. At first, I thought it was like Americans visiting there and talking about that place and maybe explore it or whatever. But it wasn't. The first scene was about this old Japanese guy talking about the name and the forest. I guess it's near or on this mountain. Wait, the mountain was probably the volcano. So the volcano erupted years ago and soon trees started to grow out of the ashes and it became a forest. And he said "It was an Ocean of Trees" since there was like tons of trees. That whole place was hella green. 

So that foreset is where people hike and I guess just chill. But it's not just for that. People hang themselves there. Well, there's this forbidden part of the forest since that section of the forest, people can easily get lost in there. There's like this little fence but it's up to your knees so you can easily jump over. XD Actually, it's like a chain fence. You know, just a thick chain you can easily lift. 

So I guess people go in there and just hang themselves. He said that he would find almost 100 corpes every year. That's really sad. And what's worst is towardsd the end of the video, he found this skeleton and it was like lying on the ground. And it's probably like a year or two old. Like he was walking around and showing the cameraman stuff and like he found this suicide nailed to the tree and this stuffed doll that was nailed upside down on a tree. He also found this camper and I'm thinking he's still thinking if he should kill himself or not.

Did I mention he said it used to be a legend or something that poor people would leave their elders in the woods? Just like I guess let them die in there...? That's pretty scary. I mean, just leaving someone old in the wild? I wouldn't want that to happen to me or whatever. 

But yeah, if anyone wants to watch it, here's the link.


Next thing! So I watched another documentary yesterday, this time I was watching it with my sister. I also watched another documentary by myself and it was about like Zombies and how people in Haiti made this potion and believed it was used to turn dead people into zombies. I need to finish it though. I stopped watching at the third part because they showed these people at a ceremony cutting a pig's throat open :(

Back to the North Korea documentary. So it's just about the history of the North and blah blah blah. 

First of, North Korea is like a ghost town. They showed this city (Pyongyang or something...?) from like the top point of view and like there was barely people. It's soooo empty! And this guy (he's Americannn!) traveled to this place where they talked about the war and how they hated Americans. And like they forced him to sit through the whole video and watch it haha xD

And like they would arrest you if you talk bad about them and stuff. It's like living in jail or something. And they would have to wear hanboks everywhere. Did I mention they hate Americans but almost everyone knows how to speak English? Even in the video and stuff. Like wtf?

Also, there restaurants are sooo empty. And it was like the waiters would bring out random food and set them up at tables, pretending like there's actually people who was eating there. And then later they would bring it back and save it for the day after? 

You guys need to watch that document would you have time. I mean, it's like holy crap. XD

And they worship the dictator like he's some god... .____. 

There's three parts. I didn't watch part two and I probably should so... here are the links! Part 1, 2, 3. 



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I've heard about the forest... It's was ranked second in the scariest places in the world. Apparently, people started ending their lifes there somewhere in the fifties. Around that time a book came out where the two main characters did the same >< It sounds so creepy! I never want to go there (I do want to visit Mt. Fuji though)
That is scaring me O.O
the things you find in youtube......
wow... all these places in the world...