Netizens are funny.

I swear, if an idol farts, they have some to say. 

But really, it's as if they've never seen a middle finger before. Ayiyiyiyiyi.




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Aren't we all netizens?
*rants with you*

JEAH. Perhaps people are making a big deal because it was Onew (as in, sweet-golden-boy-with-sangtae Onew) that did it? Maybe because it was clearly not supposed to be seen? I don't even know. I'll admit that when I found out (and from a gifset on tumblr, no less), I was surprised, but that was it. No need to beat Onew over the head for it; he is a grown man (and an idol who is probably under strict watch and regulations...let him have something, goodness). *rolls eyes*

Now, if it was Taemin or Key that raised the finger, I woulda peed and cracked up until I turned blue in the face. But still not raise hell because of it, because dumb and pointless.
