[heo narim]'s like caffeine



 Nothing Better Than You


Username: [hyperlink to your profile] http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/184433

*Name / Nickname: [how may I address you?] your queen almighty

*Activity Level: [on a scale of 1-10, 1 being rarely and 10 being always] -365.25

Plot Line: [Be Together is taken] be together!

OC Name: [if not Korean, explain why you’re living and/or studying abroad in Korea in the background] heo narim, learn it and love it

*Nickname(s): [include who uses it and why] nimby - her sister, why not?

Birthday / Age: [dd/mm/yyyy - remember the story is set in a university au, fall semester of 2013] 02/02/1993 / 20

Birthplace / Hometown: [place(s) born and raised - if different, explain why in the background] daegu / honolulu

Ethnicity: [don’t go crazy - it is impossible to be 1/3 something, just saying] korean, but go back far enough and you might find some greco-italian in her so ha

Spoken Languages: [please be reasonable - include fluency] korean, english, chinese, japanese, french, spanish, swahili, croatian, icelandic… - fluent!1!!

Height / Weight: [cm / kg] 175cm / 40kg

Year: [in university - first, second, third…] fourth

*Area of Study: [major field - undecided is fine too] undecided

*Part-time Job: [if yes, what is it and when is your shift] professional supervillain-in-training


Mirror, Mirror


Ulzzang Name: [Chom is taken - age appropriate please, include 5+ HQ picture links] chom!

1 http://24.media.tumblr.com/7832c31876bcfbf0489ad90587ff76b2/tumblr_mjt6pg2hBH1s360e1o1_500.gif

2 http://24.media.tumblr.com/c17750c47678641f9ea060f858eb139c/tumblr_mjqpcaH5Za1r8c1zio1_500.png

3 http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8hzjrUt7b1qjvy7mo1_1280.jpg

4 http://25.media.tumblr.com/6b4079edf58b8ce31e2015e54c1973e8/tumblr_mf3irjboWP1r0dpdto1_500.jpg

5 http://24.media.tumblr.com/f4b7ffe9195ce256578094d0340088b5/tumblr_mizcctizTu1qbwdmso1_500.jpg

Backup Ulzzang Name: [Chom is still taken - age appropriate please, include 3+ HQ picture links] chomchomchom!!

1 http://24.media.tumblr.com/6ed8fec4afbaa76c27a5a79d0103979b/tumblr_mia50qKckA1rplb98o4_250.jpg

2 http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc91wbelZr1rbjs1qo1_500.jpg

3 two's enoughhhhh


[1+ paragraph, picture links optional]

she belongs to a nudist colony. she doesn’t believe in clothes.


[2+ paragraphs - be creative, include strengths and flaws]

she’s yerim’s evil twin and training to be a professional supervillain, so she’s obviously got to be evil! and by evil, i mean very bad and mean and all around terrible. she kicks puppies and leaves kittens stuck in trees and does her best to blind everyone trying to read her application, see? but just because she’s evil, it doesn’t mean she can’t also be fabulous - no greasy goatees and mad eyes to see here, excuse you.


[list - 5+] grand theft auto, fire, chaos, disorder, pink bunnies


[list - 3+] happy couples, rainbows, dirt


[list - 3+] plotting on how to take over the world, making her sister miserable, breaking expensive things


[list - 1+, include why] the world being taken over by aliens - she wants to be the one that does it!


[list - 3+] scowling, blinking, breathing


[list - other random facts] what


Wish I Was With You Now



[1+ paragraph]

$h3 w@$ $w!tch3d @t b!rth w/ $um 0th3r b@by $0 $h3 w0und up 0n @n0th3r c0nt!n3nt $umh0w but d3n $h3 d!$c0v3r3d $h3 h@d @ tw!n $!$t3r w3n $h3 $tumb13d @cr0$$ @ c@fé @d 0n1!n3 $0 0f c0ur$3 $h3 h@d 2 f!gur3 0ut w3d3r $h3 w@$ d gUd 0r b@d tw!n $0 d3n $h3 w3nt @ll d w@y 2 K0R3@ 2 f!nd h3r $!$t3r & f0und $h3 1!k3d h@r@$$!ng yer!m $0 much !t c0u1d 0n1y m3@n $h3$ d 3v!1 tw!n $0 $h3 $t@yed & d3y 1!v3d unh@pp!1y 3v3r @ft3r y@y!!

*Family: [as many or few as you like, but your great-grandaunt probably won’t appear - format as follows]

[relationship to character || last, first name || age || 5 key personality traits]

[twin sister || heo yerim || 20 || wimpy nosy goody two-shoes, lucky for her i came along to liven up her boring existence]

Kindred Spirits:

[look at the other plot lines and list the top 2 you’re most likely to get along with]

none, they’re all such goody-two shoes - i mean, really guys? love-sick, the lot of you

*Friend(s): [as many or few as you like, but don’t go listing the entire campus - format as follows]

[last, first (group/soloist) - hyperlink name to a HQ picture || university year || personality || closeness - on a scale of 1-5, 1 being civil acquaintances and 5 being best friends || how s/he acts around you]

again, none - they’d only get in the way of her dictatorship


[last, first (group/soloist) - hyperlink name to a HQ picture || university year || personality || how s/he acts around you]

none, as if anyone can stand in her way towards world domination, ha! y’all are funny


 Love Is So Bad

Potential Love Interest 1:

Name: [last, first (group/soloist) - hyperlink name to a HQ picture] earth, planet http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4kfphM7uA1r4gouco1_500.gif


[1+ paragraph]


How s/he acts around you:

[1+ paragraph]

bow down before your almighty ruler

Potential Love Interest 2:

Name: [last, first (group/soloist) - hyperlink name to a HQ picture] mars, planet http://24.media.tumblr.com/376609776339c934078e69f70c3375f9/tumblr_mhzd3erP3N1re0fwgo1_r1_500.jpg


[1+ paragraph] 

just like earth, except a little clumsier

How s/he acts around you:

[1+ paragraph]

there’s a reason why mars is a dead planet

Potential Love Interest 3:

Name: [last, first (group/soloist) - hyperlink name to a HQ picture] none


[1+ paragraph] n/a

How s/he acts around you:

[1+ paragraph] nada

*Backup Love Interest(s): [as many or few as you like, same format as above] zilch

*Scene Requests:

[list - not promising anything, especially if the character gets placed in an incompatible role, but I will definitely try!]


Just One More Time


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?: ?!?!?!?!!1!1!@%$!?

Anything else?: see above


** This has been an example of things I do not want to see, things you should not do. Please do not take this as a serious sample app, as there are probably more things wrong with this app than I can count LOL...although I hope the overall bad that went into this gave you a good laugh if it didn't make your eyes bleed first. **



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so i probably shouldn't be commenting on this
but i was reading it
"there's a reason why mars is a dead planet"
i died