Fortress || Kim Hanna


`⋮  About her.

(name) Kim Hanna

(nicknames) Hani ; Baby Girl; Princess

(age:) 3

(birthday) 19.09.2009

(languages) korean

(ethincity) korean


`⋮  the Princess.
( likes) : Hello Kitty, Butterflys, Barbie ; pink, plushies, music, animals, nature,water
( dislikes ) : rainstorms, being alone, potatos, scary things
( hobbys ) : drawing, singing, dancing, playing with her barbies, playing dress up
( fears ) : darkness, heights, strangers, bees
( trivia ) :  she loves her older brother and admires him greatly

  •                  she always takes her plushie with her
  •                  she loves dancing to her brothers songs and singing them
  •                  she loves drawing, dancing and singing
  •                  her fafourite movie is ariel the little mermaid
  •                  she loves skinship which is why her brother and his friends                    often call her the skinship monster
  •                  her favourite color is pink
  •                  she always wants to choose her own clothes
  •                  she always wants to drink some warm chocolate milk before                  going to sleep
  •                  when she grows up she wants to be a ballet dancer or a fairy
  •                  she loves water/swimming
  •                  she speaks of herself in third person

`⋮  the life
( personality ) : Hanna is an adorable little girl full of charms that makes everyone like her upon first meeting with her. She is bubbly, energetic and lively toddler. She loves Hello Kitty, drawing, playing dress up and/or barbie. She loves singing and starts dancng as soon as she hears music. She is shy in front of strangers but very outgoing when around people she likes. She is michevious and loves playing tricks on others. But she is also extremly stubborn. And so when you try to get her to do something she doesn´t want to do you are in tread for some real trouble. She also always wants to choose her own clothes and can thorw fits if she isn´t allowed to. One of her most favoured persons is her older brother which she adoresand loves beyond anything. She is also a big fan of skinship and loves cuddeling or giving small kisses to people she likes.

soo all in all Hanna is an adorable, loving, cute, cubbly, stubborn and energetic girl, which is shy around strangers.


(past ) :  Hanna was born three almost four years ago and is with that the youngest child in her family. She was a true suprise, seeing as her parents hadn´t planned on having any more children after the first two. And espicially not this late. But beeing the youngest has a lot of favours for her.  She is loved and spoiled by both her parents and siblings as well as her adopted siblings which are her brothers 4 bandmates. But even thought she gets spoiled she still is a very nice and polite child.

Much like her older brother she loves singing dancing and because of this her parents even put her in a kids ballet class, which she loves enourmly. And she loves it even more showing it off to her oppa.

`⋮  the parents
( appa) : Kim Daesung | 54 | works at a bank | polite, hardowrking, stubborn, caring, strict | he didn´t want to have more then two children so when he heard that his wife was pregnant and at this age, he was very suprised and at first he didn´t want it and even said she should abort it, but the rest of his family was against it. In the end thought he was very happy about having his little princess and loves her very much.


( umma ) : Kim Sooyeon | 46 | kindergarten teacher | loving, protective, caring, polite, playfull, gentle | she was the pole in her family and loved her children very much and always supoorted them. Even so she was okay with only having two children and didn´t plan on having any more and especially not this late. But even so she still got pregnant. But since she was a firm beliver and never would have an abortion she went through with it. Even after her husband told her to get an abortion. ANd once she had her little baby girl she was very happy and was happy and now she is enjoying her late motherhood.


`⋮  the siblings ⋮
( unni ) : Kim Seodam | 26 | college student | She is very hardworking, bright and lovely girl that loves teasing people. She is very proud of her little brother and thought hey get in a lot of fights they are always there for each other. She is also very stubborn and a bad cook. Once she heard she would get another little sister she was very happy and immediatly started to buy lots of stuff. She loves spoiling her little sister and showing her off.

( oppa ) : Kim Jonghyun |22 | Lead Vocalist/SHINee | he is ckocky, romantic, cute and loves skinship. He is very emotional, blunt, funny and caring. When he heard he would get a little baby sister he was at first feeling a bit cautious but then when he first saw his little sister he immediatly fell in love with her. He loves her and is very proud of her. But he is also very worried about her andso he kept her existence from everyone other then the rest of shinee. Hanna is his little princes and he is one protective oppa. He also loves spoiling her and spends as much time with her as he can.




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