That thing about UMG (misundestood)


As some of you may already know, the United States based incorporation titled “Universal Music Group” has begun to restrict Kpop videos in the U.S. and U.K. on youtube. Some sources say that they are aiming to “Keep Kpop in Korea” but no one really knows why. I personally do not believe that it’s fair to restrict videos in the United States where we have the freedom to view whatever we want so long as we do not break the law. 

So far they have only blocked a few of Cube Entertainment’s videos, but are reaching out to more companies. The U.S. and U.K. are the only places where they are blocked, but the same restrictions will soon move to Canada and Australia. This is very unfair, and we need to do what we can to speak out.

Please send a complaint email to: [email protected]

Tweet them at: @UMG

Their official website is here:

One email from one angry fan might not do anything, but it’s everyone together that will eventually help in the long run. No matter who your bias groups are or what fandom within Kpop you are apart of, help us sway their decision.

EDIT: There has been a misunderstanding.

It seems that a screenshot floating around contained misinformation. UMG IS NOT BLOCKING KPOP VIDEOS. The deal that they signed with Cube was to redirect traffic to the vevo sites in order for UMG to get money for each view. Please reblog this as much as the original post so we can spread the news before too many complaint emails can be sent.




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