Please Help!

Aish! I am so pissed off! Let me tell you why...


I am so full of people's criticisms about me liking DBSK and dreamin' they'll come back as 5. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG!? Is it bad to wish? Is it so stupid for people to love one another even you can't see them or touch!? What is wrong? What's the matter? I think I am not doing anything wrong! And what if Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin are gay!? Why do you keep asking me those questions? Then when I am listening to KPOP songs you will make fun of the lyrics just because you can't understand the meaning!? I am not even talking to you then you will interfer with my happy life? Do not make me feel like I do not belong! Yeah ok, I ship YunJae and it is superlatively hard for me because people judge them, and they judge me too! What shall I do? I am so young to decide! For them my happiness in KPOP ... I do not know if I should ship YunJae or not... and should I stop believing DBSK will be friends again...


@yunjae_diamonds Unni! HELP ME!!! :(    Dongsaengie is really sad :(





~Jiji-ah ^^


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Smile and walk away like a boss baby <3 ^^~ They don't even deserve that you're thinking about it. They don't even deserve that you wrote a post about it <3 ~ always know, that as many haters you may have - you'll have hundred times more supporter ot5s and YJshippers <3 ^^~ love love <3 AKTF :HUG: