7 ing days *application closed*

Okay, so here I am with my 3rd apply fic! :D

This time around it will be 7 one-shots, [R] for lots of naughtiness.

So if you apply be aware that some of the short stories will be indeed very rated.

If you´re still interested you can apply in comments section below using this form:


Name, (age) :

Love interest (age):                                               [state 2 just in case]

(Please choose from: DBSK, Super Junior, 2pm, Beast, Shinee, Big Bang or Mblaq)

Habits/ Peculiarities about your character:

Anything special about the way you look:

Which day would you like to apply for:            



 The days that are available are:

Monday : not too rated, need an Oppa/ Dongseang relationship

Tuesday : you and your partner should be around the same age

Wednesday: very rated + again, you and your partner should be around the same age

Thursday: married couple, 22+

Friday: a couple 18, or younger

Saturday: needs an applicant

Sunday: applicant+ love interest should be 22+


So I received 6 apps meaning that I´ll have to take a spot myself~

that´s going to be an awkward turtle but yeah~

Thanks for applying you six!! ^^


I´ll make it worth reading ;))




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Mistral: but then I´d have to invent an 8th day? lol nah, I already picked a bit more funny one for me^^ since nobody wanted the not so rated one, it´ll be okay I guess^^

Cloudy: yes, I´ll give you all the link then ;) Mine wont be as weird...although... xD you might want to murder me actually. Jenny´s is propably a different story...
nslnflknsfklnslflks SO EXCITEDDDDDDD :"DDDDDD let me know when we can subscribe to the story~ I want to read them all ^^
Although it might get a little awkward with you and Jenny's hahaha
just 6? Caline has not placed hers? Tsk, tsk... If you can't write one for yourself, do two for those girls who actualy obeyed you and listed more than 1 love interest xD
Okay, so at this point, I´m only looking for another 2 ladies for Monday and Friday :3
Wow. Completely rated? *decides not to step anywhere close to that* but hwaiting with the new stories!!! ^^
you really went troug with that, he he XD

Name, (age) : Anya (26)

Love interest (age): Kim Jaejoong (26)
[sorry, don't have anyone else from those groups, you have to give me Jae xD]

Habits/ Peculiarities about your character: [hmm, what new I can tell you?] quick-tempered if something not goes my way and lazy :Р

Anything special about the way you look: nope XD typical european

Which day would you like to apply for: Tue, Wed, Sat or Sun: up too you!
[I would have said Thursday, but you have not listed Hyun Joong :Р]

Name, (age) : Kim Seoyeon (18 turning 19)
Love interest (age):   Minho (make him older 19), Mir (19)                                          
Habits/ Peculiarities about your character: Quiet, loves to read, puts hand in front of mouth when nervous, hot head (sometimes)
Anything special about the way you look: wears glasses and contacts (sometimes), brownish coloured hair, long nails painted light colours, tall, not sporty

Which day would you like to apply for:  Wednesday   
darn, forgot the last name, but that should be the one of the love interest, anyways XD
Name, (age) : Jenny (26)

Love interest (age): Rain (28) or Joon (make him 24 or older)

Habits/ Peculiarities about your character: coffee-addict; quite antsy; stubborn as a mule; very gesticulating when speaking;

Anything special about the way you look: hmmm, nothing special- just blond, not tall, not thin, no supermodel type (^-^); always has painted nails

Which day would you like to apply for: Thursday
Name, (age) : Nana, (20)

Love interest (age): Yunho (25) or Joon (23)

Habits/ Peculiarities about your character: Unintentionally blunt, hot head and chew on lips when nervous

Anything special about the way you look: Tall, fit, well sporty tone and naturally light brown hair.

Which day would you like to apply for: Saturday
I go onto AFF after being gone so long and I see THIS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU NAUGHTY GIRL!?

...... and I'm going to apply ;D

Name, (age) : Lee Megan (21)

Love interest (age): Kim 'Key' Kibum (20) (I would pick taeminnie but he's 3 years my junior) Kim JongHyun (21)

Habits/ Peculiarities about your character: My character is like Megan from UR. (which I'll try and update soon. I'M SORRY!!! ;___;)

Anything special about the way you look: You know the way I look/ dress. Remember Key and I have the same amount of ear piercinsg (except I have one more) and my hair is it's natural dark, dark brown almost-black colour :D

Which day would you like to apply for: Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday~ But Key and I are a year and 2 months apart so JongHyun would be my backup there xD

I can see you for both days actually :/ gahhhh xD