❝ ❤ ❞ Riding This Roller Coaster Called Love|Application

Shim Yesul





Username: Kang_Sara
Activeness: 8-9
*What should we call you? Sara


Name: Shim Yesul
*Nickname(s): Iseul
Age: 20
Birthdate: December, 14
Height & Weight: 164cm 50kg
Birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea
Hometown: Bucheon, South Korea
Enthnicity: Korean
Languages(s): Korean [Fluent] English [conversational as in what she learned from high school] Japanese [Conversational as in what she learned from high school]


Ulzzang: Kim Jungyeon
Pictures: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
Backup Ulzzang: [same as above]
Pictures: [3+]

Style: casual 1-2-3-4 date 1-2-3-4  work 1-2-3-4  formal 1-2-3-4
*Extra: just double ear lobe piercing on both ears. No other piercings, no tattoos, and no scars :)



» Yesul cant be considered a calm mellow person, at first she seems very judgemental and like an ice princess who doesnt talk often, but shes really just shy. Shes actually a very friendly person and easy to get along with. Although nice she can be really crude and straight forward. Shes definatly the type to make a point and herself heard when she sees something that isnt nice or good to do. She cares for the well being of others but doesnt really show it. She doesnt smile often unless its something that really amuses her such as little kids, she loves little kids and making them smile or laugh, when shes with little kids its the only time shes willing to make herself look like an idiot. When she does smile its really soft and since its rare if catches peoples attention. She has trust issues and doesnt trust a lot of people easily, and has guilt issues, she always ends up taking the blame for things or feeling apologetic if something happens that wasnt her fault. Shes like a little kid as well and gets amazed by the smallest things. Shes the type that bottles things in because she doesnt want to cry in front of others. You know she really trust you when she can always smile and laugh with you.


» Little Kids

» Hwachae
» Spring Colors
» Being Warm

» Shinhwa
» Green Tea Ice Cream

» Sweets


» the rain

» Being cold

» The rain

» Onions

» Spicy Food

» Being Yelled at

» Seeing people helpless


» Picks at her nails when shes nervous
» Plays with her hair when shes nervous

» Covering when she laughs
» acting like an idiot around little kids

Trivia:  [unlimited, but we love this part]

» Allergic to Plums
» Studying at Seoul University to become a child Pediatrician
» Works at Lotte World Wednesday-Sunday, then attends school Monday's and Tuesdays

» Doesnt know how to ride a bike
» Has 2 younger brothers an older brother and an eldest sister
» Was always first in Middle-High school

» was class presidant all through high school and her last year of middle school
» was captin of the girls track team in Middle and High School
» Loves the song Your Pretty by Airplanes

» Cant stay mad at someone for longer than 2 hours
» Likes the number 1004 because in korean its pronounced "Cheonsa" which also means angel
» Terrified of Spiders and snakes.

» Very jumpy, and gets spooked easily
» If shes really really scared she starts crying
» Hates scarey movies
» If theres a lot of screaming and shouting directed towards her she gets over whelmed easily



» Yesul comes from a family that was always well off on both sides. Her parents got married at a young age because at 18 her mother was already pregnate with Hyesung, at the time Taehyuk was NaYoungs tutor and they were secretly dating. Although both sides of the family were mad at Taehyuk and Nayoung they still supported them. 5 years later they had JiHo, another 5 years later they had Yesul herself, and after about 10 years they had their youngest YoonJae. Yseul's parents and younger brother all live abroad in Japan, only her older brother lives in Korea, so she doesnt talk to them often, they do visit every 3 years though. Yseul has been living with her older brother since she was 14 when her parents first left to move to Japan, so shes naturally closer to her brother. As of now her older siblings and parents both make a lot of money, but her brother cant be considered rich just has money.


»Mother:  Park NaYoung|48|house wife|doesnt talk a lot, careing, friendly, sweet| Nayoung tries to give Yesul tips on her love life
»Father: Shim Taehyuk|50|Chef| Protective, funny, talks a lot, friendly| Hes very protective of his youngest daughter
»Sibling: Shim Hyesung|30|English Teacher/Wife/Mother| Aggressive, friendly, loud, short-tempered| As Yesuls only sister Hyesung tries to teach Yesul all about being a girl and attracting men, despite Yesuls protest. Lives over seas in China

»Sibling: Shim JiHo|25|Succesful doctor|Loud, Childish,Friendly, Silly| He pretends to be protective of his sister just to embarress her, and out of her whole family the two are the closest, but fight a lot because he likes to annoy her, He's the only one in the family that has Yesuls 100% trust.


»Sibling: Shim Yoonjae|10| Student| selfish, obnoxious, loud, like any other 10 year old boy| He last saw His older sister earlier in the year and he had fun when she took him all around on a tour around Seoul and bought him toys and candy. Yesul spoils him.

Best Friend: 

» Lotty 


» Waitress

» Ride Operator

» Ice Skating Instructor

» Talent Agent

» Photographer

» Greeter

» Store Clerk

» Food Management

» Security Officer


Position: Lotty
How?  At The time Yesul was working as with a daycare that decided to bring their kids to lotte world, Yesul was given a small group of 3 just like the other workers. She took them all around the little kid rides and bought them food and paid very good attention to ever y single one, attending to their every needs. What she didnt know was that one of the managers of lotte world had noticed Yesul multiple times takeing care of the children and interacting with them. As she was about to leave with everyone else the manager stopped her and noted her on Yesuls well done work, then straightforwardly brought up that there was help wanted and a position open for Lotty. 
Why? Yesul agreed to work there because she liked the idea of making kids smile, unlike at the day care where she occasionally had to scold them. She works there part time with 2 days off out of the week. 
Feelings? She likes it a lot because she gets to make little kids happy
Ideal Job?  Child doctor

Favorite Idol Group:  Shinhwa because she grew up listening to them all the time, since her sister was a fan. And Infinite, because she listened to them a lot during high school plus MiSun is a hardcore Inspirit fan.
Ultimate Bias: Lee Sungyeol
Ideal Type:  Tall, dark hair, flat stomach but not super defined abs, and ncie collarbone. Someone like Lee Sungyeol from Infinite.

Be Mine

Love Interest:  N Cha Hakyeon
Group:  VIXX
Age:  22
How you know him:  She didnt know him until VIXX did a variety show at lotte world and she was asked by the production crew and her manager to appear with Vixx in the show. In the show the members of VIXX had to go around and find the worker from lotte world that was wearing a pink back-pack and red large bow head band, which happened to be Yesul. N found her first, and for the rest of the episode got to go on a date with her around Lotte world, but that wasnt the end, because during the next episode he had to call her out of work and take her on another date, which was to an aquarium.
First Meeting: At the variety show  when he took her out on a date
How you interact:  Hes awkward around her, and shes awkward around him, but he tries to give off a light atmospher and make her comfortable
Anything else you want to add?  Even though Yesul only appeared in 2 episodes for the variety show she kept in contact with Hakyeon, and they secretly meet up, he becomes one of the few people Yesul fully trust.
Back up Love Interest:  EXO-Baekhyun



Comments:  Nope~ :)
Scene Requests:  

  • Hakyeon takes Yesul to the aquarium he first took her too and since its already night the hallways and tanks are lit by lights making it really pretty because the reflection of the water moving is reflected onto the floors and around them, but theyre by the jellyfish and the jellyfish are glowing (what they do when its night time) making everything look even prettier, and he ask's her to be his girlfriend.
  • Hakyeon takes Yesul to the beach and since there arent that many people around he doesnt have to wear a disguise, they find a tidepool and Hakyeon starts pointing out all the different little specimen and holding them up for her, Yesul being like a little child is amazed and loving it, and then she suddenly smiles. Hakyeon is shocked and points it out to her and gets all excited.
  • Hakyeon ask's Yesul on  date, but when he goes to pick her up its her brother who answers the door. JiHo who usually jokes and teases Yesul about boys is totally serious since Hakyeon is an idol. JiHo warns N that he doesnt trust him, and that for the first time Yesul has finally trusted another guy. JiHo threatens Hakyeon if Hakyeon hurts Yesul.
  • Hakyeon accidently lets Yesul eat plums, not knowing she was allergic. but at the time they were on a secret date, and he ends up exposing himself while rushing her to the hospital. After that he ends up facing JiHo who easily forgives Hakyeon for not knowing, and feeling pitty because Hakyeon is a mess of tears. However Paparazzi caught sight of Hakyeon bringing Yesul into the hospital and he faces a scandel. After talking with his CEO about it, and getting permission to go public with their relationship, he admits on a variety show that He's been dating Yesul for so and so months, and that he really loves her, that he kept it a secret because he wanted to protect and respect her privacy.
  • Yesul meets the other VIXX members, and starts to get close with Leo because he wasnt as loud and roudy as the others, N gets jealous because instead of paying attention to him, Yesul is paying all her attention to Leo. When they go out for dinner and Leo is about to sit next to Yesul in the van N starts shouting nonsense and pushes Leo to the back so he could sit next to Yesul himself. N did it again at the restuaraunt and jealously held Yesuls hand and pulled her closer so Leo wasnt close to her.
  • Yesul finds out Hyerin is with Ken and for some reason isnt at all shocked which confuses Hyerin and puts her into a fit


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