► when we come running ◄ ▓ ► Song Minkyung ◄


(i love you everyday) (Song Minkyung) (the artistic wallflower) ► 


nice to meet you

◄ username - -royal

◄ profile link - ►►►

◄ name/nickname - Miyuki


she's my lady

◄ name - Song Minkyung

◄ nicknames - Minnie: Friends and family because she's every cute and mature

◄ age - 20

◄ birthdate - May 14th

◄ ethnicity - Korean

◄ birthplace - Busan, South Korea

◄ hometown - Seoul, South Korea

◄ languages - Korean:Fluent, English:Fluent

◄ job - Art Museum: Her parents don't know about her job since she keeps quite about it, but since she wants to do something related to her hobby she decided to get a job. She likes looking at other people's artworks and tries to improve her own.


beautiful my girl

◄ appearance - Byeon Seo Eun

► pictures - one two three four five

◄ back-up appearance - Jeong Seo Yeong

► pictures - one two three  four

◄ height and weight - 175cm : 49kg

◄ extra -

Minkyung has chocolate brown hair that reaches to her waist. She always wanted to dye it red or blond, but since her parents wouldn't allow it she never gets to. She also doesn't have any piercings or tattoos because of her parents. She has brown eyes, but likes to wear dark blue contacts. She thinks that it gives her more personality. She's always been tall, and skinny. It's just apart of her DNA.

◄ style -

This is one thing that her parents often are lenient about. So Minkyung knows that she needs to take advantage of this. Since she's very artistic she always had a romantic sense of fashion. She's some one who likes to dress up. It pleases her parents, but it she likes it also. Cute summer dresses are her favorite. She also likes to wear necklaces.

In the summer its all cute t-shirts with a pair of matching skirts, or mini dresses that are light, and easy to move around in. She's not really into any y things, or skin tight clothing. She prefers flats over heels, but from time to time, if it matches her outfit she would wear heels.

In the winter she likes to wear a scarf. She's also into big sweaters and sometimes wears a plaid button up shirt underneath. She's not really into tennis shoes, and wears boots when it gets cold.

Sometimes her sense of fashion is hard to understand. She's sometimes very unpredictable and can wear the weirdest stuff. It always looks good, but the normal person wouldn't have thought to wear something that she does. 

► pictures - one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen (the girl for the style is the same ulzzang for her appearance)


another me

◄ nutshell 

► good traits - Understanding, Open-minded, Creative, Kind, Funny

► bad traits - Quite, Naive, Push-over, Shy, Careless

◄ personality -

Minkyung is very understanding. She's someone who can sympathize with others, and can comprehend what they are feeling or going through. She is the type of person who will never judge anyone. Instead she likes to get to know them instead. In other words she is very open minded. She sees things that others can miss, and likes to try new things. Minkyung is someone who likes the little details instead of the big ones.

She is also very quite and naive. Minkyung hates this about herself, but she doesn't know how to change it. Most of the time she's afraid of what other's may think of her thoughts since they aren't like what normal people think. She has a hard time speaking up for herself, and she trusts others too easily. There are many times when people took advantage of her, but she didn't do anything to stop it.

Minkyung can be kind and generous. She has a big heart, but there still are times when she just wants a few minutes to herself, without thinking about others. When her friends are having hard times she is always there to listen, always there to give some comfort and advice. In other words she is kind of like a rock. Always there.  Because she is too kind people like to , and she has a hard time standing up for herself.

She is also shy, and has a hard time meeting new people. But this is not how she wants to be. She often struggles with herself. She wants to talk with others, and she tells herself to just say a simple 'hello' or 'how are you' but she never does it because she is worried about how they would think of her. Sometimes she is awkward, and people tend to misunderstand her. Because she is quite they think that she is snobby and doesn't want to talk with others.

Sure these are some things that describe Minkyung but there are other things as well. Things that people don't normally think that she is. Sure she is obedient, sure she is nice, but for once she just really wants to be herself. Without anyone judging her choices. She really wants to be free. Free to think for herself, free to make her own choices. When people first meet her, they would say that she's very polite, and her cute face makes her seem naive. But behind that cute face, there is someone who wants to be heard. Maybe she wants to be called y for once in her life. Maybe she wants to rebel and make her own rules. Maybe she just wants to be the true Minkyung.

◄ likes -

Keychain: This is her type of 'collectable' item. She collects them and puts them on the lock of her art supplies. She likes them because they are small, but adorable. Sometimes she also puts it on her phone as an accessory.

Nail Polish: This is another way for her to show her creativity. She likes hands on projects, and loves to paint her nails in different colors and patterns.

Cut off jeans: This is her secret love that her parents don't approve of. It isn't 'proper' for a young lady they say, but that just makes her like it even more.

Cakes: She doesn't quite like eating them, but instead she likes to decorate them. This is another way for her to let her mind run free and create pictures that can make others happy.

Cello: Coming from a rich family, she was taught lots of things. One of them included how to play an instrument. Ever since she was a little girl, she always loved to play the cello. She liked it's deep, rich sound, and its smooth golden skin.

Nature: This is one of her greatest inspiration. Every times she paints she tries to sit where there are lots of trees, or flowers. She likes how it calms her, and the calm breeze of the wind.

◄ dislikes -

Stuffed Animals: Because people believe that she is very girly she often gets stuffed animals as presents. But she really dislikes anything 'cute'. Once in awhile it is fine, but too much of it gives her a headaches.

Ice Cream: She doesn't like it's sweet taste. The only type of ice cream that she likes would be the cranberry flavor which tends to be more like a sherbet.

Snow: It is cold and wet. She likes to be warm and dry instead.

Fluffy Socks: She is the type of person who likes to wear light clothes. These make her feet feel uncomfortable, and sticky.

Parties: She feels uncomfortable at them, and most of the time the loud music makes her dizzy.

Blood: Even though her parents expect her to follow them and become a doctor, she really doesn't like the sight of blood. She always feels like she wants to throw up.

◄ hobbies -

Taking walks outside

Playing the cello

Drawing birds

Reading self improvement books

Decorating cakes

◄ habits -

Clicking her tongue when she is frustrated

Braiding her hair when she is nervous

Her left eye twitches slightly when she is annoyed

Puffing out her cheeks when she gets something right

◄ trivia -

Left handed

Favorite number is 0

She never steps on cracks in the road

Can repeat the first 100 numbers of Pi by memory

Always carries a blue pen with her

Favorite color is Peach

Get headaches a lot

Catches colds easily

Doodles on any surface that she comes across

Has a hidden talent of making origami flowers


into your world

◄ story of her life -

5-10 Years Old: During her early childhood, her parents really loved her. They spoiled her rotten, and would always play with her. When she was 8 her class had a doctor come in a visit. Minkyung was really happy and told her parents all about it. They were extremely happy that she was interested to become a doctor. They immediately started to put her in tougher classes. They paid people to be her tutor, and when she was 10, she was already way ahead of the other students in her class. Minkyung was always a cheerful child, and many people liked her. She had a lot of friends because she would always talk, and express herself.

11-14 Years Old: Her early teenage years were really hard for her. This was the time when she first visited an artist with her school as a field trip. She really liked how the lady could create such beautiful masterpieces just with a few of a brush. She suddenly got into art. She tried telling her parents, but they didn't listen. They thought it would get in the way of their daughters education, and pushed her even harder in math and science. Minkyung was disappointed. She kept trying, but her parents kept ignoring her. By the time she was 14 she started to change. She was no long open, and cheerful. On the outside she was the perfect child. Quite, polite, kind. But she just really wants to be heard. To be free to do what she wants to.

15-18 Years Old: She realized that she didn't need to let her parents know about her art skills. She found herself a teacher, and started to get lessons. She would hide her talent from her parents. She still went to the classes that her parents signed up for, but she would also take some by herself. She bought her own sketch pad, and paints. She was still the perfect child that her parents thought she was, but she also had a secret. When she was 18 she finally knew what she wanted to be. An artist. Not a doctor. She wanted to what she liked, not what her parents wanted her to do.

19-20 Years Old: During these years she realized that something had to change. If she kept being quite, and if she kept her love for art a secret, sooner or later she would have to become a doctor. So she agreed when her friends suggested to run away. She hoped that when she comes back that she would be different. She would be 21, and she would be confident. She would be who she always wanted to be.

◄ family -

father - Song Daewoon - 45 - Alive - Doctor - Skilled, Responsible, Trustworthy, Bland, Strict - They don't talk much, and tend to be very awkward with each other. He doesn't seem to understand her, and most of the time he is too busy working anyways to have time to get to know her.

mother - Kim Lunah - 43 - Alive - Doctor - Loyal, Uptight, Snobby, Narcissistic, Prideful - Minkyung is hesitant around her mother, and always tries to please her mother. Her mom feels like she understands her child, but truthfully she knows nothing about her. Minkyung does everything that she can to make her happy and if she does something wrong her mother has a way to make her feel horrible about herself.

siblings -


others -

Cousin - Kim Himchan - 22 - Alive - Actor - Flirt, Sophisticated, Loyal, Supportive, Outgoing - Minkyung admires Himchan and wants to be like him. He understands who he is, and likes himself. He is sure about his future, and supports her when she said she was going to leave. They are very close.

◄ best friends -

► the mother-like figure - Minkyung looks up to her. They get along quite well, and Minkyung goes to talk to her when she feels sad, or frustrated.

► the outgoing princess - Minkyung is kind of hesitant around her, but she really admires her personality. This is the type of person Minkyung wishes she could be.

► the dubious tomboy - Minkyung loves that she knows who she is, and doesn't care about what other people think about her. When she is around her, she finds herself laughing a lot and smiling.

► the moody ballerina - Minkyung doesn't really understand her, because she doesn't really know that pain that she is going through. Minkyung kind of feels bad for her, and tries her best to cheer her up.

► the independent angel - Minkyung doesn't really talk with her, but they are still friends. Sometimes they say hi or exchange a few words.

◄ friends/rivals/others -

Friend - Yongguk - 22 - This is someone that Minkyung can trust. Ever since they first met, she knew that this is someone that isn't like anyone else.

Rival - TOP - 25 - He is also trying to become a doctor. He thinks that Minkyung isn't good enough, and knows about her secret of loving to paint.

what is love

◄ the love interest - The Perfect Dream Man

► name - Byun Baekhyun

► age - 22

► personality -

Baekhyun is the perfect man. Smart, sweet, and hardworking. But everyone has flaws and so does Baekhyun. Growing up he was always trying to please others, and pushing his own feelings aside for the sake of others. He is scared of disappointing the people he loves, and doesn't like things that he doesn't know. Baekhyun is very friendly, and always has a smile on his face, but most of the time it is fake. Just a forced smile that he puts on to mask what he is truly feeling. Not many people have seen is actual smile.

◄ how they met -

They met when they were both on the beach. Minkyung decided to sneak out one morning to draw. She missed her sketch pad, and thought that the water would be something new and interesting to draw. While she was sitting on the beach at 6:45 in the morning she suddenly sees a man in the water. He doesn't seem to be breathing so Minkyung freaks out. She immediately rushes out to sea and helps him back to shore. Minkyung stares at his beautiful face, and is envious of his calm face. She decides to continue to draw while waiting for the man to wake up.

When he woke up he noticed that he was not alone. Baekhyun realized that he wasn't dead, and that the girl must have saved his life. Minkyung didn't notice that he woke up and was shocked when he talked to her. In shock she flung he sketch pad up and Baekhyun caught it. He flipped though a few pages and noticed that she was really good. She asked for it back and Baekhyun thanked her for saving his life. They talked together while on the beach and got to know each other better. Before the sun fully rose Baekhyun asked if she could draw him. He said, "Draw me like your French girls," and winked at her. Minkyung laughed and really liked his carefree attitude. So, she drew him and was going to give it to him to keep but he refused. Baekhyun left, and told her to keep it so she can remember him.

◄ how they act around each other -

► he - He is quite shy, but likes finds himself talking a lot when she is around. His mouth just keeps going, and he is surprised at his outgoing behavior. He would often make up an excuse to talk to her. He likes the sound of her voice, and could listen to it everyday. Baekhyun also tends less aware of his surroundings. When he is with Minkyung, she is the only thing that he notices. He even ran into a pole once while secretly spying on her.

► she -  Minkyung feels awkward around him. She wonders why he keeps talking to her, but inside she is secretly happy that he is paying attention to her. When they talk she feels as if their conversation could go on forever. He is very understanding and will always listen to her problems. Between her friends it is her who does this job, so she had no one to talk to. But since Baekhyun came into her life, she finally let out her inner feelings and liked how he would give her advice. They have a lot in common, so their conversations are always filled with things to say.

◄ their love story -

After their first meeting they didn't see each other again until Minkyung and her friends went to a party a few days later. It was just a small party that only a few people were invited to. Baekhyun was with some other girl, and Minkyung recognized him. She was always looking at the drawing and soon enough already remembered what he looked like. She tried looking for him at the beach but he was not there. Minkyung then thought that he was probably a dream, something that she just imagined. But when she saw him at the party she was secretly happy. She didn't go and talk to him, and pretended to not know him. During dinner she accidently spilt some wine on someone. That someone had to be Baekhyun. He recognized her the moment she walked through the door, but was disappointed that she didn't recognize him. She was extremely embarrassed and offered to clean it. So the two left the party early and they went to the hotel that she was staying in. She put his jacket in the washer and noticed that he was looking at the drawing that she drew. They then talk a while before the rest of the girls come home. Baekhyun takes his jacket, thanks her, and leaves. The next few days Baekhyun made an effort to be wherever she was. She noticed that, but didn't ask. He took her to dates, that he claimed was a 'trip' and he started to open up to her. Minkyung really admired him, and liked how he would always listen to what she has to say. The next day Baekhyun was ready to confess to her, but then his ex comes and visits. Yongguk also comes and visits Minkyung. Baekhyun gets jealous of Yongguk, and Minkyung gets jealous of his ex. Baekhyun's ex tries to take up all his attention and he never gets to see Minkyung anymore. She starts to feel lonely, and wonders why she is angry over this. Yongguk tells her that she is in love, but she refuses to believe him. On their last day, there is a beach party. Everyone is there, and Minkyung goes with Yongguk, while Baekhyun goes with his ex. At the party Baekhyun finally has time to talk with her, and he tries to explain to her that he likes her. Minkyung is hesitant to believe him, but in the end does anyways. She confesses to him, and Baekhyun is happy to know that his feelings are mutual. They both are sad that they didn't have enough time with each other. It is their last day and they both just finally admitted that they liked each other. Baekhyun knew about her parents, and told her not to worry. He will be there to support her, and protect her.

◄ ending - happy


talk that

◄ i love you everyday -

► What does she like to draw/paint? - Minkyung likes to draw people. Every since she was little, she always had an attraction to faces. Maybe because her father was a plastic surgeon doctor, but she likes how everyone has something about them that makes them special. She is amazed how people could look the same but yet completely different. The eyes are her favorite part. When she looks into people's eyes it feels as if she could see through them, and understand them better. She likes to paint flowers. She likes the delicate and colorful petals. She also likes to mix colors, so the petals are perfect for her.   

► What is her ideal type personality-wise? - Her ideal type is someone who is confident with themselves, and someone who knows what they want. He also has to be considerate and caring. She doesn't like people who are perfect, because she thinks that they are very stuck up, like her rival TOP. She wants someone who can understand her, and will make her understand the world in a different light.

► What was your first impression of the 'the perfect dream man'? - She thought he looked vulnerable, and that he needed someone to take care of him, when she first pulled him out of the water. But at the same time, she knew that the man was someone who enjoyed life. She felt jealous that he was free to do anything, and everything that he wanted to. From his clothes she could tell that he was rich, and so Minkyung believed that he was snobby, and probably someone who's very snobby, and stuck up. 

► What makes her attracted to 'the perfect dream man?' - She likes his carefree personality. She admires that he believes in himself, and that he knows himself. Sure, at times he is a little lost, and confused, but she likes that he isn't perfect. Even though other people consider him to be the 'perfect' man, he shows his true self to her, and she likes him even more that way. She also admires his self commitment. When he makes a promise he always keeps it.

► How does her parents react when she comes back? - They are furious with her. They spend days and days looking for her, only to find out that she ran off to play. When she comes back, they were planing to punish her, but Minkyung comes back a different person than she was before she left. She tells her parents what she wants, and that she will not become a doctor. Her parents were not happy, but they were also surprised that she thought like this. They believed that she wanted to be a doctor like them, which is why they pushed her, but know they are not so sure.

 no more pain, goodbye goodbye

◄ comments, questions, concerns - Hehehe finally finished! :D I am so so sorry it took so long :3 forgive me~

◄ suggestions, scene requests - anything is fine...:D


finally  ◄ free 




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