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Oh gosh, I've been sick these past days =.= (which prob explain why i haven't reply to your wallposts/mgs/ sorry guys!)

First I had a fever, then I got a bit better but still a bit of headach, cough, runny nose. But I'm

better now I mean I only have a horrible terribel absolutely annoying cough and soar thoat! :D

*that was sarcasm btw, just in case some you peeps are slow xD*

Anyway, can someone please please leave me some tips on how to get rid of this anooying cough/soar throat?? ;O;

I don't think I can get any sleep anytime soon barking like a freaking dog! >.<

if you don't know any tips like AT ALL. Send me a heart or something it makes me all warm and fuzzy! xD *especially when im sick *O*

well ya, until later lovelies, thanks for the visit!




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mm >< mianhae, i don't know, but all i know is that salt water (especially the ones from the beaches)m are really good for your throat, but obviously i don't think you should go to the beach incase you get more sick.
i hope you feel better soon >< fighting :D
Yes tea with honey or you could also try ginger tea~
Tea with honey. And a humidifier.
try with honey. mix tea or warm lemon drinks with honey. im not sure if it's effective but i did try once and it treats a bit. get well soon :)
Drink a lot of water.I know it's not the best but it helps ;) get well soon<3333
You should drink lots of water everyday! I always have soar throats...and all I do is drink and drink water...And it works ^_^
Feel better Jie!
HA, I just got over that. I still have the bad cough. From what my doctor said, the cough can last up to three weeks even after you get rid of the sickness. I haven't been sick since Monday but the cough is still going strong. 8)

Over the counter cough suppressants help + cough drops. Cough drops did not stop my cough all together, but it definitely quieted it some. I was coughing until I would purge. 8)

BUT- Drink a lot of fluids. Vitamin C with help with your nose. 8)

Other wise, get a lot of rest and sleep on your back elevated.
I usually drink honey and warm water before i go to so well on me. Well, i always consume a full spoon of honey before i go to sleep, it really helps your immune system esp on bad weather.

But if it doesnt get better after a week, i usually go to doctor. Hope this helps and hope you feel better ^^
HanKeLaMaHan #10
well it happened to me this past few weeks (2 weeks).
If i remember correctly,i fainted twice.
Once was because i was still sick but i went to school cause i had CCA that day and we had an upcoming competition (i am the president for the CCA)and during lunch break i fainted and my parents brought me to the hospital.I HATE HOSPIALS,they took my blood for a blood test TWICE,to make sure i wasn't anaemic or something.But it came out normal,so the doctor sent me home to rest.
The next day,i was getting some food to eat when i just out luckily my mom (she is a nurse) was home and she gave me some medicine.
Anyway,get well soon for both of us and for ur sore throat ,drink at least 8 cups of water each day or u can drink honey water
nycbean #11
No joke, I missed two days of school this week from the same thing: fever, exhaustion, wrapping yourself in a thousand blankets because you're cold when it's really hot, dizziness. If you find yourself not tired, then get up, make your bed, clean your room a little, take a shower and put on a soft tshirt and some fuzzy pants and get your fluffiest pillow and watch tv until you fall asleep. I didn't drink tea (although I should have...) but I just took some cold and cough medicine and some pain stuff (my mom gives me kid's tylenol so it's liquid).
But I hope you feel better! Stay hydrated~^^
My mom used to put honey and lemon juice together, I know they're totally opposite but you'll get used to it!
Get well soon <3 ~
Tea~~~~~ with Lemon!
Del better!^^
*hugs* <3 I really hope you feel better!!

Try soup, tea with honey, water, and try to get some rest :) lol try!
Well, I always drink tea and stuff but I suggest you medicine for your sore throat. Get better okay chingu!! :D