Im.disapointes :"(

The girls from Peru said and creat a page that said Only 13 because they dont support the 9 that are in suju or suju m and not even Zhoumi and Henry...The girls from Chile are hping to turn off there lighstick when Zhoumi and Henry come out to do a sooo sad they are going to have in there stupid country if they dont wanted I want them just change the stupid country and date and come to mine or other that apreciate them...stupid girls they have the SS5 and afe hipocrite es :(


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That reminds me of SS1 days, when the "fans" were chanting anti messages during Henry's violin part at Don't Don. Which was plain stupid __ __" also, experiencing the black ocean would be awful! it's their first solo concert at Latin America! imagine how that would ...
*sarcasm* I bet those girls feel sooo proud of themselves for coming up with a plan like that... tch
onbaa99 #2
Thats terrible!!! It that they chose to visit places that don't support all of them when there are so many other places they aren't going that do. I love Henry and Mimi! Whats wrong with some people!?!?