My Character, Hyori!

Hello Hello~


Profile Link:

Activiness: 8

Hey lemme introduce myself here comes trouble~

Name: Kim Hyo-ri


Nicknames: In GanHyun (Humanoid), Crazy Humanoid (Michin In GanHyun)

Age: 18


Personality: She is the most mellow of all of them. She doesn’t react to a lot of things, but she isn’t cold. She is just always thinking of new ideas to benefit her group. She is kind and thoughtful to everyone, including here enemies. She is calm, but once you make her go past that point, she will kill whoever is in her path. Although she can go like this, she can recognize her team members. She keeps knives in a pouch strapped to thigh, just in case of an ambush. Dresses like a geek at school.


Likes: Hot pink, ice cream, building things, presents, organization, things going her way, singing, imitations


Dislikes: Things not going according to plan, her sister, seeing her friends get hurt, her sister, Bubble gum flavored gum, did I mention her sister?


Trivias: -She is a victim of abuse

           -Her eyes are 2 different colors because of an accident that caused her parents to die

           -Short temper

           -Her hair is actually a dark blue; She died her hair


Yeoboseyo did you eat well?

family members:

Mom: Kim Hyosah

Age: 44

Status: Dead

Job: Cook

How she treats you: Very kind, sweet, and gentle. The only one who stopped your sister’s abuse.


Dad: Kim Danchul

Age: 47

Status: Dead

Job: Manager at SM Entertainment

How he treats you: Never yelled at her, didn't know about the abuse

Sister: Kim LeeSah


Age: 24 |


Job: None

How she treats you: She hits and abuses her, makes Hyori earn all of the money in the house hold


Brother: Kim Heechul


Age: 26


Statues: Alive


Job: Member of Super Junior


How he treats you: Hasn’t had interactions with her because he was a trainee when she was born, except for once when she was 5.


Did you run away from home?: She has been planning her escape for years!


M-m-ma-ma- madonna donna Madonna donna everything is hot hot~

Ulzzang:Taeyeon 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

   How she looks when she is at school:, with these glasses:

Childhood picture:

Clothing style: Typically wears skinny jeans and a long shirt, but that is because she is really skinny. She likes simple patterns, but wants them to stand out among others.

Casual:, #1 and 3, second and fifth picture on page


Formal: 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th pictures


School Uniform:


Swimwear: 2nd, 12th, 13th, 16th, and 20th pictures


Sleepwear: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pictures,


Sporty wear:,


Weekend wear: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 11th, and 16th pictures


Extras: Hair color: Brown back to original hair color later,

Contacts: None








Scarfs: None


Piercing: French Horn Earrings;




 All My love's for you~

Love interest: Zelo


Back up love interest: Himchan


Personality: He is energetic around almost everyone, except the people he doesn’t like. He is kind, but likes to mess with others. (Zelo)

He is silent to most, but when he is around her, he smiles more. He tends to have lasting conversations with her, even though they don't have much in common. (Himchan)


His role: Visual and Flirty one


How you act around him: She tries to hide it, and does pretty good- as long as he isn’t close her.


How he acts around you: He acts the same as always. Except- he does a little bit more skinship to her than to most people (Both)

I Hate Yoooouuu yeah ahhh im fine living with out you~

Rivals: 3


Rivals name: Lee Chunjae, Danjee, and Hyunmae


Ages: 18, 17, 16 respectively


Why you guys are Rivals: They always bully her because she is prettier and smarter than them


How you met: They met when Hyori bumped into her on the street, then later found out that they go to her school.

Your ex Boyfriend: Name: Aron (From NU’EST)




How long you guys were dating: 4 years


How you met: Were introduced by friends at an outing


Why you guys broke up: He was getting to obsessive over her

Is he still trying to get you back: Yes.



Don't Tell me lies don't say good byes~

Your childhood with your lover: The were neighbors and good friends

How you guys met: They met in elementary when they were 6, they were really close, although the skipship is still uncalled for on her part.

How you got seperated: She moved to America for Junior High

How he looked like when he was little: (Idk if this is true or not)

How he was when he was little: the same as now- Flirts with every girl he sees, does a lot of skinship with her

I even Twinkle when I’m hidden~

How I became popular and joined the mystic white: She was in a gang previously

Are you friends with all of them: Somewhat

Your role: The Genius

* Bonus * (because I'm nice like that)

Schedule: Science: All of The Mystic white, Himchan

                                             History: Himchan, Zelo, Bang Yongguk

                                             English: All of Mystic White and B.A.P

                                             Japanese: N/A

                                             Robotics: Youngjae

                                             Korean (Private lessons): N/A

                  2 free periods: No classes ( Went through college already)

Make up where you want to sit: Very back left hand corner, next to the window



Comments: You can adapt, but not fully change, some of the things about her, just tell me about it.

Any special events you want for your character or story: Let her find out about her brother later in the story, for dramatic effect.


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what do you mean for the ulzzang part| ulzzang: 10?????? could you also post at least 5 pictures??? please
umm.... can you give me her age and how she looked like when she was little i forgot to put them on the app, umm could you fix the childhood part i don't know who your lover is going to be for it, what does to be edited mean????, ummm and eye's can''t change colour unless you use contacts or an accident, also you couldv'e wrote more for the personality but it's ok please fix your app! but over all it's good