
Are the Lunafly fans called Astronauts?

if not what are they called?

who is your favourite member?

OTP in Lunafly?

and best situation they could be in for a quick oneshot?


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LUKIE. Like the comment from Recha_L, it's pronouce like rookie. But it stands for LUNAFLY'S Kingdom Is Enternal. Which, personally, I think is really sweet sounding. Although, they could have tried for a better name even though what it stands for is sweet XD
My favorite member is Teo, and I love YunTeo ^-^ Situation for a one-shot? Hm... I'm not really good at one-shots >.< I always think of long, drawn-out plots. I've only written one one-shot, and it xD Hope inspiration comes your way soon! I reccommend listening to music. Music inspires most of my plots.
I just became a Lunafly fan myself
LUNAFLY fans are called "LUKIE",and it's prononce "rookie" it was anounced in their facebook official page
my bias is Teo ^^ I love him so muuuch
I don't ship any OTP yet
hope that helped