Monday vs. Me

Monday is so not the deal.  Who else agrees with me?  I mean, it's totally killing my happy Spirit from yesterday.  Going to church and coming back, feeling blessed. And now, having to go to school and hearing a lot of different people say nasty stuffs.  I mean, C'MON people, yesterday was Sunday.  At least wait until it's Tuesday to say such things. 

Friends: What's up, B**ch

Me: *cricnges and grinds my teeths* Hey you guys.  Good Morning.

Friends: I tried to f**king call you last night but you didn't f**king anwers.  What the f**k happened to you?

Me: *praying in silent*(Dear Lord.  Please cleanse my friends' mouth and try to keep them from saying all them bad words that we are not supposed to be speaking at this age. Amen) *Looks back up and says* I gotta go.  See you guys at luchtime. *Runs away before they could say more.*

Though I'm a loner now, but I feel it's a lot better being a loner than being with friends who will just dirty up my ears with all them dirty words they have up in their

Anyway, Blessed Monday Everyone and Be Safe :)


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SamoanTinkerbell #1
Teehehehe....I know the feeling.