Infinite Concert In Japan :D


11:00 Goods shop opens



14:00 Entering show case place



15:00 Show starts



17:00-15 Show ends(Not sure but definitely longer than Osaka concert)






1, Come back again (다시 돌아와)






==Self introduction==



3, Can u smile (Broadcasted.ver)



4,Fixed Star (붙박이 별)



==Talking time==



5, Wings (날개)



==Talking time(Q&A)==






7,Be Mine (내꺼하자) 



==Special video since pre-debut to Over the Top album==



8,Because (Sunggyu’s solo)



9,Time (시간아) (Woohyun’s solo)



10,Bangkok City (Sungyeol,Myungsoo&Sungjong)



11,Dance performance (Dongwoo&Hoya)



12,Crying (Dongwoo&Hoya)



==Costume changing==






==Talking time(Special skills show)==



14,Tic Toc



==Talking time(Talking in Japanese&speech)==



15, She’s Back



16,Nothing’s Over



17, Entrust (맡겨)









19, Voice of my heart (마음으로..)



Basically set list was same as concert in Osaka. 



I couldn’t write down all contents this time,because I was standing very in front position from stage,and there was so crowded…anyhow I was pushed by other fans throughout the show. So please excuse me even if there are any mistaken records or incorrect informations. 




They put jacket of Nothing’s Over promotion. But they wore something different in their inner&lower half body.




*M-8 “Because (Sunggyu’s solo)”



Sunggyu appeared in black T-shirt&black jeans similar to that he wore at concert in Osaka. But this time he changed his hat to cap,like B-boy taste fashion. Moreover he changed his dance,he didn’t do it in y ways,and ripped off dance with cap during interlude. Singing was perfect,his eyes were still cool and emotional. This must be TV broadcasting version that he wanted to do. Some pimples were on his left cheek,he should be tired… But he did totally good. 



*M-9 “Time (시간아) (Woohyun’s solo)”



He appeared in white shirt with tie striped with yellow&black(maybe),blue jeans with USA flag on his knees,and blue-green colored belt. This time he was with full emotions,he often closed his eyes while he sang. 





*M-10 “Bangkok City (Sungyeol,Myungsoo&Sungjong)”



Sungjong showed his abs again,but this time…You should check it on 29th Oct TBS cs channel broadcasting!! 



*M-12 “Crying (Dongwoo&Hoya)”



Hoya did of course his rap part,moreover he sang main part with girl’s chorus again. He sang singing part all the way through Leaping Over concerts.



*M-14 “Tic Toc”



Their choreography is similar to “Wings (날개)” style. While Dongswoo’s rap “Tic Toc Tic Toc (…미쳐간다 charming eyes)” on last part of this song,boys move their hands clockworks with their finger pointed. This choreography must be very original to other songs,it’s cool.



*M-15 “She’s Back”



Sunggyu started dancing with great smile. I watched concert with girl who gave me ticket for today,she had small paper board which was Sunggyu’s name printed. We were standing in front of performing boys,about 20 meters far from them. As he found her,he throw kisses for her. To consider Sunggyu’s modest fan service behavior,it happens hardly ever. 



*M-17 “Entrust (맡겨)”



They throw colorful teddy bears&tour towels printed their BeMine promotion photos. Teddy bears were red,light blue,yellow… Some fans said that stuffed toy smells like lemon flavor. 



They moved freely around stage,left and right. Hoya touched most frontside fans’ hands. Dongwoo hugged Hoya and lifted him up. They looked so happy,all of boys was smiling.



When they left stage,Myungsoo said “Aieta noni…(means “Although I’m in love with you”)”.



*M-19 “Voice of my heart (마음으로..)”



As the last part of main line,Woohyun looked down to us,he caught my eyes. I was so ashamed while I was crying,so I looked down hiding my face with lightstick. But in the next moment I looked at him,he put his eyes away. Now I regret why I couldn’t continue to stare at him…



When the song is ending,I found Woohyun was crying. His tears were flowing on his right cheek.






Sungyeol: It’s unbelievable for me,that it has been already 2 month since our showcase in Japan. Can you believe that? When we arrived in Japan 3 days ago,there was coming typhoon.



Myungsoo: Taipun. 



Sungyeol: Whenever we visit Japan,weather is unlucky for us. You know it was raining while we held showcase in Tokyo. I think there is absolutely ‘bad weather guy’ among us.



Other members: (Raising hand) Sungyeol is bad weather guy!!



Sungyeol: No~!!



Sunggyu: In Korea,musician hold concert while it’s raining,they say it will be successful. Then we got successful so far. However today it’s sunny,because of lots of fans,this can be perfectly wonderful show.



Fans: (Applause)



Sungjong : We got 1st place in Korean music tv show with our song “Be Mine”! We couldn’t get this prize if all of you were not there. It’s really unforgettable experience for me!



Members: (Singing) Congratulation~congratulation~



Fans: (Sing together to celebrate boys)



Woohyun: (Continue singing something only by himself)



(Sunggyu stopped Woohyun grasping his hand.)



Dongwoo: Don’t push person in front of you,please keep good manners in watching!



Sungjong: Some of you might be hard to watch us,but please stand for in a while~.



(Dongwoo&Sungjong were so nice boys,they worried about standing fans.)






There was long talking time between M-5&M-6,it was Q&A show. This shows were only taken place at concerts in Yokohama. In Osaka,they were just talking random,so they inserted this Q&A show to entertain fans more.



MC Woohyun managed as chairman of the show and members answered to Japanese Inspirits’ questions that were sent for Infinite’s Jp official web site. Woohyun read all questions in Japanese. Other members had to understand that sentences. However they could answer in Korean. I don’t remember all the sentences correctly,and all the mentions…so please just feel and imagine what boys said. 



Woohyun: Saa!! (Now!!) Please answer questions that I ask you from now. When do you want to get married? How many children do you want?



Sungjong: I wanna get married early.



Fans: !!(Scream)



Sungjong: Then I wanna enjoy my marriage life~!



Members: How about children?



Sungjong: Well…I will think of it afterwards.



Dongwoo: I wanna give 3 children,like me,I have 2 sisters. (This answer might be from his words…I’m not sure)



Myungsoo: I wanna get married as soon as I find nice woman.



Fans: (Scream)



Hoya: I wanna get married today.



Fans: (LOL)



Hoya: I wanna get married to all of you here. (smiling)



Sunggyu: I wanna get married when I’m 30 years old. And I need 5 children,to make basketball team.



Sungyeol: I will have 11(I’m not sure..might be 9?) children to make football team!!



Members: How about you!!?? Woohyun!!



Woohyun: Eeh? (LOL) I have married already…



Myungsoo: That’s not cliche which you say always…is it? 



Woohyun: I don’t wanna have children.



Fans: Eeehh!?  (Why!?)



Woohyun: If I had children,all of fans feel sad,don’t you?



Fans: (Scream&applause)



Members: Infinite is really for you Inspirits!!



Woohyun: Next question…this is the very best thing you want to know!!



Fans: (Scream…we all know what it’s gonna be!!)



Woohyun: Atarashii ie no heyawari wa?



(Means in new dorm…who are roommates?)



Sunggyu: (Very depressed face expression) I had shared room with Woohyun in former dorm. Sorry for you…but this time…



Woohyun: Naku naku~(means “Cry cry”,he pretended crying)



Sunggyu: …..I’m sharing room with Woohyun!!!



(Woohyun smiled and punched Sunggyu many times just like they often do. Sunggyu seemed very happy~)



Other members: Oh~”main vocal line” will never be split.



Hoya: Well…I had been sharing room with Sungjong&Sungyeol before…



(Sungjong is looking at Hoya with cute smile.)



Hoya: Sungjong again~!



Other members: Where did Sungyeol go??



Sungyeol: Way of Sungjong walking along after Hoya was so beautiful,I changed room. I mean,”visual line”!!



(Sungyeol put arm around Myungsoo’s shoulder.)



Myungsoo: Well it’s not really “visual line”. There’s another person with real ability. 



(Myungsoo put his arm around Dongwoo’s shoulder. Dongwoo pretended B-boy style dance move.)



Myungsoo: (LOL) Actually I had been thinking I should be apart from Dongwoo in new dorm,but this time we’re supposed to share room again.



Sungyeol: But Dongwoo often sleeps in living room. So he’s not in our room frequently.



Woohyun: Ok now let’s go perform next song. We never say the title. Please make sure by your eyes.



(BTD Started!!)






(They showed their special skills between M-13&M-14.)



Woohyun: Sungjong seems he wants to dance more. 



Other members: Yeah your face expression is appealing that you forgot something to do!!



Sungjong: (Ashamed…)Ok~ Are you ready for music??



(Music started,Sungjong danced SNSD’s “Gee” main line perfectly!!! Fans were singing.)



Other members: Who’s the next? Well…there’s another dance machine in our group! Hoya!!



Hoya: (LOL) Ok~ Are you ready for music??



Fans: (LOL it’s totally same words that Sungjong said before.) 



(Music started,Hoya danced freestyle hip hop ways with “Lee Howon” shouting by fans)



Other members: Oh…so great. Well,who’s next?



Sungyeol: (Jumping) Me!! Me!! 



Sunggyu: Dongwoo!! 



(Dongwoo comes in front,and he started to prepare his voice percussion,he his lips. He showed that performance at yesterday’s concert.)



Sunggyu: Dongwoo says he wants to dance with same music as Hoya.



Dongwoo: !?



Other members: Ok~now music start!!



(Dongwoo started dancing,although he wasn’t intend to dance,but he really did well in freestyle dancing. Fans continue “Jang Dongwoo” shouting.)



Other members: Ahh~”rap line” dance very good as well~!! 



Fans: (We wanted to see next dance performance) Lee sungyeol! Lee sungyeol! Lee sungyeol! …



Sungyeol: (Raising hand with smiling face) Ok~…



Sunggyu: (To fans) Oh!? You wanna see “main vocal line” performance? 



Sungyeol: …!!



(Sunggyu&Woohyun made big heart shape with their hand,and threw it to fans.)



Fans: (Scream)



Woohyun: This is not big deal,right? (LOL)



Other members: Well…next…



Sunggyu: Myungsoo!!



Myungsoo: Eeh!?



(Sungyeol got depressed. He went to steps far back from front stage and sat down. Hoya ran Sungyeol to cheer him up,but Sungyeol tore his hand off from his shoulder. Sungyeol looked disgusted.)



Sunggyu: Myungsoo will show his acting ability,since he joined in Japanese drama.



Woohyun: Well,Myungsoo did action in that drama. So Myungsoo will show us his kicking skill,then he will says his line. (LOL)



(Myungsoo stepped back to prepare kick,but Sungyeol kicked Myungsoo for several times with angry face.)



Myungsoo: What’s this!? (LOL)



(Myungsoo gave hi-kick in the air!)



Fans: (Scream)



Myungsoo: (In low voice)”Korosu…kondowa koitsu wo…korosu.”



(Means “I kill…next time,this person…I kill.”)



Fans: (Applause)



(Still Sungyeol is sitting backward and looking down.)



Other members: Sungyeol the next!!!



Sungyeol: (Smiling,running to front side) Ok!! Please give me music!! 



(Funny music started,he jumped so many times and did 70’s disco style dancing. At last he ran most left side of stage to right side in quick speed.)



Members: As you see,we have different skills.






(They showed their Japanese speech skills in this part.)



Sunggyu: We’re now studying Japanese.



Woohyun: (In very low voice) “Korosu…”



(Means “I kill…” This is from Myungsoo’s line in Japanese drama “Jiu”. Sunggyu stopped Woohyun to imitate Myungsoo’s line.)



Sunggyu: Ganbatte Nippon!! (Fighting Japan!! …I think this could be his words)



Fans: (LOL …but why fighting?)



Sungyeol: (Showing his aegyo with hands pitting down to face like blooming flower) “Sukidesu!! “



(Means “I like you!!”)



Fans: !!(Scream)



Dongwoo : “Korekara minnade mecha kucha odotte sawagou!”



(Missy elliot’s lyrics again,he said this words in Osaka too. It means “From now,let’s dance and make noise!”)



Woohyun: Myungsoo was acting in Japanese drama “Jiu”,so he must be good at speaking Japanese. (LOL)



Myungsoo: (LOL) Well…This is what my cooperative actor taught me while I joined in taking videos of drama. “Aieta noni…”



(I think teacher of this words must be Yu Shirota. He told Myungsoo “사랑하는데 =*Although I’m in love with you” before taking videos of their fight scene.)



Fans: (Scream)



Myungsoo: And,”Yokohama Majiyabe”! 



(Means “Yokohama really awesome!” He likes this Tokyo dialect,he said this word in Tokyo sc too.)



(I don’t remember Woohyun’s speech in Japanese,it was too long to memorize all. It’s really amazing for me that he spoke long Japanese sentence fluently. Like this way…”Our debut single-album in Japan release is decided on 19th November!! From now on we Infinite will make more effort,so please support us!!”)






(They mentioned their feeling between M-14&M-15.)



Hoya: I thank you all of you,and CEO Lee of Woollim Entertainment.



Fans: (applause)



Dongwoo: I’m really thankful to all of you. Infinite is really supported by you,Inspirits!! 



(I’m not sure about this Dongwoo’s mention,he should have told something more impressive. So Myungsoo put plastic bottle to Dongwoo’s mouth and forced him to drink water to praise his speech. Then Myungsoo drink water from same bottle.)



Sunggyu: We thank for all staffs that supported our concerts.



Woohyun: We will be here in Japan again in November,please wait for us until our coming back.



(Myungsoo&Hoya introduced in Japanese that they would perform the last 3 songs.)



Myungsoo : Mou jikan ga kimaa! (It’s already the time.)



Hoya : Jikan ga sugiru nowa hayai ne! (Time passes so fast!)



Myungsoo : Saigo wa minna issho ni moriagarou! (For the last part,let’s enjoy together!)




Ticket printed their picture for today’s concert.



I put button badge printed Woohyun Leaping Over concert limited goods,as charm for today.



After the concert,I saw them off outside of concert place,together with girl who gave me ticket for today. We were standing on sidewalk showing these paper fans. When their limousine bus appeared from concert place,boys waved hands for all fans through the window. Woohyun was making big heart shape with his hands putting on his head. Songgyu was just waving his hand,but when he found her paper fan with his name,he waved his hand once more only for her.



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