
[Change with pic of your character]

[Remember to delet all brackets ^^]








Ethnicity [please nothing crazy, just keep it either one ethnicity or a mix between 2 like Korean-Chinese or Korean Japanese. im sorry if it sounds racist]:

Blood Type [make it match your personality, ill check]:


Ulzzang [Park Jungyeon-Song Ahri-Kim Seuk Hye- Shin Chae Chae-Bae Hyo Won-Kim Shinyeong, are all taken as the members of M.Soul]:

Link: 1|2|3|4|5|6



Are you in a Band or are you an Actress?:


What company are you from?:

Number of members[if in a group]:

Members [at least 3-6 if your in a band hyperlinked photos and their ages, positions and short description of their personalities]:

Stagename [if in band]:


Personality [descriptive, realistic PLEASE, and at least 2 paragraphs]:

Background [no sob stories. at least 2 paragraphs, realistic, and desciptive]:

Likes [no more than 10]:

Dislikes [no more than 10]:

Hobbies [no more than 4]:

Habbits [no more than 4]:

Fears [at least 2]:

Trivia [Now for the trivia i mean things you would hear on weekly idol or profile readings, i could care less about instruments, add languages but only 2 and make it unique]:

Family[at least 3, incluclude siblings if any but no idol siblings, you can have idol cousins, your parents unless you lived with your grandparents]: 

  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality
  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality
  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality

Friends [at least 2 and they can be idols/actors/actresses]:


  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality
  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality

Best Friend [just 2, can be an idol]:


  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality
  • Relationship|Name|Age|Occupation|Personality


Your Husband:

Actor or Idol?:

If Idol what band?:

His personality:

Have you ever met before? How/When?:

His likes [at least 8]:

His Dislikes [at least 8]:

His habbits [3]:

His fears [2]:

How do you guys want to meet [on the first episode. Make it long and descriptive so i have something to work with, i hate thigns like "At a park"]:


Any thing else?:

Scene Suggestions [please do give me at lot of scene suggestions]:

Your Couple name and why:

Please include pictures of your wedding photoshoot [at least 7 pics]:

Do you want to become a real couple off-screen?:


To Apply for the Co-Author:


What i can call you:

Have you watched WGM?:

Why i should chose you [please be detailed and give good reasons, it doesnt have to be long]:



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