Let Me Explain This Hiatus Thing.

I'm currently on hiatus. Semi-hiatus. Why? Let me explain. Well I'm going back to those days where I have to wake up at 4am to go take a bus for school. Then take the bus back at 3:30pm to get home at 6:00pm or so. For those who's even taken a bus you know that its tiring as . And school is dificult now. Not because of the classes because I'm only taking 4. Spanish, Geometry, Biology and some class that is related to how you should behave at a work interview and , I don't know how to translate. Those classes are pretty easy, what's bugging me is that, school isn't the same. There are a bunch of new students. I kinda like it but at the same time, I don't. Its distracting for me and I can't put the same attention to everything like I had before. I'm focusing more on knowing this new people. On socialyzing {however you spell that}. So yeah, its a little difficult for me. That's why I'm going on hiatus so I can have my weekends to either sleep, think about school or do school work. Like right now I have to do laundry and wash my hair. Wash my hair, wow. My hair's not even long but that's tiring for me.

I haven't even seen John this past few weeks. I'm going insane. So much stress I tell you. Ugh. I need something to relax me. Yesterday I was playing Ninja Gaiden and I'm over the story. Its done. Now, I have nothing to do. I guess I'll go over it again. Idk. I have to find something to distract me from school. My best option would be to go out but I have the most dad in the world. Ottoke?!

But either way. Its not like I'm not gonna be around anymore. I will but I won't be here that frecuently. Not as much as I would want to but I'll be around.

I'm hungry ;_;

I wanna go play xbox Dx


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Oh, could it Personal Finance? I had a class like that that taught me how to behave when you're in a job interview. It was annoying as ____, but it worked! :D so useful *nodsnods*