NU'EST Debut 1st Anniversary Live @ Zepp Divercity Tokyo


**I'll edit when other fan accounts or videos come out and I can actually be more accurate with the order XD**

We arrived at around 11 in the morning - the concert didn't start until 3 in the afternoon, but there was already a line up of hundreds of people. We grabbed a spot in line and then one of the girls and I went to buy high-heels (almost all girls wear high-heels to concerts in order to be taller to see). The reason we arrived so early is that they were only selling a certain number of goods - and if you bought one early enough, you also got a ticket to the high-touch event - basically you get to high-five all the members of NU'EST. And with CDs, there was a chance that you'd win a back-stage pass!

So we bought our goods (a cheering towel and a lightband [this is instead of a penlight]), and then bought CDs (which come with free posters)! None of us got the backstage passes though ;___; but we did all get high-touch tickets!


So then it was more waiting around and dying in high-heels until the concert began. Before they got on stage, they kept showing clips of Baekho and Ren in their drama - which was SO cute omg <3. And they played videos of them introducing themselves in Japanese, and then thanking everyone for supporting them for a year.

So they all came on with NU, Establish, Style, Tempo, and then went immediately onto Hello, Hello! After that, they sang Action. And WOW! They've improved so much in just one year since their debut - like, when they first debuted, their voices weren't the best live and they'd get out of breath while dancing, but WOW! Their vocal training has definitely paid off - it almost sounded like the recording. After singing Action, they began their real introductions - all in Japanese without a translator and again thanked everyone for supporting them for their one year, and then going on to say that this would be a special show because it was their anniversary - they mentioned Minhyun having a solo, Ren having a solo and Baekho, JR and Aron doing a song. Cue screaming fangirls. (And here is where I get unreliable about the exact order of the rest of the concert because I wasn't a good fangirl and I didn't take notes or anything)

Minhyun and Baekho sang 조금만 after this, and it seemed so sad ;___; (probably just because of the sweat pouring off them and making it look like they were crying).

At this point, it was time for the special stages, which first started out with Baekho, Aron and JR. They sang a song that...I'm so annoyed with myself about - it sounded incredibly familiar, and started out with Baekho singing about a 'beautiful girl' in English, and then JR and Aron rapping back and forth. After that it was Ren's and he sang... 너네 누나 소개시켜줘 this XD But he did the talking part in Japanese, asking if any of us had boyfriends (cue everyone screaming no and that he can be ours). Then Minhyun surprised us all by singing a song completely in Japanese! You could tell he was so nervous about it <3

They then surprised us even more by continuing on with the Japanese streak, singing two more Japanese songs - one by Exile, and lol, my friend didn't tell me what the other was. Then there was a LITTLE conversation break for about a minute where JR asked us if we'd bought their CD, and then asked if we'd listened to 여보세요. Then someone brought up JR's kiss...I think it was Aron, and JR just got all flustered and embarassed and he said it was embarassing to do. Then troll Aron is all: 'you made me jealous' while hugging Baekho and whispering to him XDD - Fangirl screams. Then there was a video break of White Day with NU'EST where they all had their own little interviews with the camera, giving the camera various candy or roses and stuff saying 'I love you' in both Korean and Japanese. 

Then they actually did Sandy first before 여보세요, like I was expecting. Next came 여보세요, obviously. After that, I 100% cannot remember the order of the last three songs: But I think it was I'm Sorry first, then Not Over You, and then Beautiful solo - where they were being silly on stage - there was a bit of shoving each other out of the way and standing in front of someone when it was their turn to sing LOL. They also released a bunch of pink streamers with NU'EST on it, and my friend grabbed some for us!! And at one point, Baekho let one of the back-up dancers sing his lines, LOL! A lot of fans also threw stuffed animals on the stage at this point, and JR kept grabbing them like a little kid, and Ren kissed the one he caught.

Then as their last song, they surprised us again! The went away for a bit and a video played - low and behold it was them recording Sandy in Japanese! And cute little messages about them learning Japanese and how they find it difficult and some sad things like Aron misses his family back in LA ;__; but again, more thanking everyone for supporting them for their 1st year. And then, they actually sang Sandy in Japanese! And the screen had the lyrics on it, so everyone was singing along with them! It was so awesome! (I actually can't remember if Japanese Sandy was the last song or if it was Beautiful might've been Beautiful Solo - but like I said, I just had a night of fangirling and feels and lagnakjg so I'm more asljdglj that I went to a concert than remembering the exact order that everything happened.)

Then they went away, but of course we were all waving our lights and chanting "NU-ISU-TO" (NU'EST in Japanese). And they all came back wearing the concert t-shirts and towels. And they finally did their debut song, Face! The concert seemed a little bit rushed since I was at the earlier of the two, and they had to get off stage and go out for the high-touch event, and have time to rest a bit, AND prepare for the next concert, that was going to start in 2 hours.

High-touch event: God, screamign fangirls everywhere - me included.
The order was Ren, Aron, JR, Baekho, Minhyun. This event was bigger and there were a lot more people, so none of them actually wrapped their fingers around mine like last time ;___; sad face.
Ren: I said thank you to him in Japanese and he said thank you back - and he still retains his stupid prettiness >:C
Aron: omfg Aron...he F-ING REMEMBERED ME. That or he was kind of happy to see a foreigner, but he got this smile on his face like: ah I recognise you, hello again. LSGJNLSKGJN DEAD. I AM DEAD. I said "Thank you so much, you were amazing" to him in English before I got pushed on by the coordinators (boo!).
JR: JR is stupidly good-looking up close goddamnit you guys. WHY ARE YOU ALL LIKE...17 YEARS OLD. WHY AM I SO MUCH OLDER THAN YOU ALL?! I said thank you in Japanese and he smiled back askdjllkjgn
Baekho: Baekho was cute too...AGAIN he saw that I was short and he bent down a bit to high-five me - like omg, do you deal with short people for a living Baekho? sdjnlskjdgn SO CUTE <3
Minhyun: Minhyun was last, and he was actually really excited to see...a foreigner I guess? Or he was just really excited about the high-touch (or really excited about a chance to use his 'English'? ...I would have killed myself laughing if he'd said "I AM OPTIMUS PRIME"), but he bent down too but he got really close, and he said 'thank you very much' to me in his cute English and I was like lkjfnklgjn HNNNG.

We walked about 5 steps away from their high-touch line before my friends and I pretty much collapsed in a pile of flailing and screams. Some of the event coordinators were laughing at us XDDD

Then as an AMAZING treat - we met these two older women in line way back at the beginning of the day (and by older, I mean like..50s maybe?) who were so nice and great people to talk to (and amazing kpop fans as well! The stories the one woman had about the times she'd gone to see Beast!) And anyway, they treated the rest of our group to Korean food for dinner and then bought us ice-cream as well! *___* <3 

And now I'm sitting in my room flailing at all the NU'EST merchandise I have XD And I still need to open the CD that I bought at the concert to see whose photocard I got. If it's Aron's, I'm screaming. Okay moment of truth guys, I'm opening it: oh...well...there isn't a photocard. That's depressing. ;__; OH WAIT IT WAS A FEW PAGES IN HNNNNG. SGNSLKJGNLSJGNLKJN. Not Aron, but JR is my second bias anyway a;sdgk 

I've made AMAZING friends here through kpop! One of my friends that I met today brought presents for everyone! She made us all photoframes with pictures of our bias, and gave us some candy and a little face towel. aldsjgnakgjn BEST FRIENDS EVER MAN! I don't want to leave Japan ;___; 


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-Mieun- #1
Yup, I've decided, I'm going to Japan next year. x3