
Sometimes, I wonder whether the path I'm walking now is the right path I chose. It's not like I hate my major. I like it, but it doesn't seem right for me. I'm already in my master degree and I will get the degree by this may. Somehow, I kind of regret things that I've done. Is this the right decision? That's what I'm thinking about everyday. Obviously, I can't turn back the time and I can't go back and change everything. I just need to gain confident I guess. 

I'm not in high school, where I can still think about future, dodging off the thoughts everytime I want to escape from the reality. I need to seriously think about the future, since I'm an adult already. 

This is only a part of my thoughts...there are so many things left. I'm currently in IP Law class. 

Sigh...hopefully I will stop thinking about this.


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thejewelholic #1
oh onni,,we have the same thought..I ever told u that I'm a law student too..
kadang aku jg berpikir kalo hukum bukan passion aku, tapi semester ini adalah semester terakhir aku dan aku gx mungkin mundur d saat2 kya gini..apa lagi aku jg udah ada rencana S2 kenotariatan :(
aku pernah baca buku yg judulnya "Your Job Is Not Your Career". So, mungkin kita bisa punya karir lain selain dari apa yg udh kita pelajari di bangku kuliah. Aku rasa onni bisa jadi penulis, aku yakin kalo onni mw serius nulis dan agak sedikit keluar jalur (nulis yg bukan maksud aku), onni pasti bisa jd penulis sukses :)
Semangat untuk masa depan kita onni. Onni Fighting~~!!!!! :D