Honestly: Tell me your opinion??!


poster by me




poster by me ..MyLoveIs2ne1


Honestly: Tell me your opinion??!




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You should make the title stand out more. It should be one of the first things to notice. Now, I had to scroll up again to notice it. And the words of the title should look like they belong together (as in close together, not randomly placed with air between).

The "handsome boy" and "Beautiful girl" was quite hidden as well. You should also place them where they're can be seen more easily (not on top on another word, for instance)

When placing something - have a reason to place them there. (lol, I made a poster as an exam, and to get a top score, I had to explain EVERYTHING I did x) Not just the placing, but the colors, fonts, text, images, symbolism... everything!)

You have potential! If you practice a lot, you will be one of those awesome artists that everyone wants to request work from;)
it really suits the title!! x3 Kyeopta~ <33
It's beautiful! But in my opinion, it's slightly plain.. Though I STILL LOVE IT! :)
so cooooool ! wOw
jjang ~! ~!