Youtube videos..... Audition?

I know i haven't done videos for a long time or update my fanfics but im gonna start doing it again starting next week or this weekend. i want all of you to like you know check if i can become a kpop star? its my dream to become one but i do not know if i have the looks of talent since im quite fat as well. i will be singing english and koreans song but the english songs will be very little as i do not know many of the english songs. and if you do have one that you one me to sing post it in the comments below and you must comment on my youtube video as well okay? if not i will personally hunt you down!! Just Joking... haha but do comment and like. i wil also be auditioning for the entertainments in korea.


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Also don't worry about your looks, have confidence in yourself and don't let your looks get in the way of your passion and talent. Companies aren't always as shallow as people say they are, they are looking for talent.