The frustrated graphic artist's rant.

1. Requestors who don't use the graphics they requested. 

Fine. I get it if you somehow didn't like the poster or whatever I made for you. I don't like them myself most of the time. But could you at least have the decency to tell me that you didn't like it because... blah blah reasons. This is why I offer redos. If the requestor didn't like the output, he/she/it has the right to tell me either in comment or through pm what he/she/it didn't find suitable and I will fix it for her/him/it. 

But what irritates me most is that when someone requests a poster and they would just put it in their collection section without using it for the required period of time. I mean what the dude? I spend at least an hour searching for the photos I will use for your poster(if I am lucky). And then I will spend about two hours moving them around until i think I  have an idea/concept going on (again, that is if I am lucky...). Then I will spend a hell lot longer on deciding textures, fonts and coloring the out of your damned poster... It actually takes about five hours or more to make a decent poster and you will use it for one day and then chuck it in a damn gallery. I think I deserve my poster deserves a hell lot longer exposure than that. 

i am not really strict about my so called requesting rules but I do check your stories. I check them to see if you did use my poster. I don't even get mad if you don't actually put my shop's link back. I let it slide since I have watermarks anyway. I just hate it when you request and don't pick it up, or pick it up but don't use it anyway. I have a life too, and instead of writing some good stories (or my academic papers) I spent my precious time in making something you said you need but then again didn't use. @___@




If you are going to take my job without telling me... motheringplease... for the love of everything that is sacred and it properly. I am not a god in graphics designing but really? Even my sister can make something better than this. 

I am a very lazy person in school. If someone else can do it, I don't bother. But I said I will do the ing pubmat. I said I have other classes on that day. You said, ok... we'll do it tomorrow. Then I see this? @___@ NO. JUST NO.




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chillax, ayaw ni Hoya ng ganyan, masama sa bata XD
Ate chill lang... :(