Piss off, anxiety!

Ahhh I still can't bloody shake off my anxiety feeling's. I mean, am getting better, it just clings at times, and I give into it X__X I worry about "What if such n such happens' yet when i actually DO it, nothing happens, but thinking it makes me avoid it. 

Getting better at Taekwondo classes n travelling on trains,buses, etc, but still! I need to CRUSH it. 

My therapist says i have to 'de-sensitize' my brain each time i put myself in situations, so my brain learns that nothing will happen, but i guess its going to take a while longer than i thought, as all this 'panic' started when i was on a bus. I just had to GET OUT.

This is not a setback, I swear i am going to KILL THIS.

I am not going to let this beat me..i WILL get to Seoul, this year! 

Just one day at a time..small steps..build gradually..

..anyone got tips?


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