Still in Japan - Random Tidbits

Just came back from Tokyo. Currently back in Osaka.

On maid cafes in Akihabara: All of your preconceived stereotypes of maid cafes and the customers they cater to are probably 100% correct.

On cleanliness: The streets are clean everywhere - not a surprise. What IS surprising is that I almost never see trash cans around so I could end up walking a long time just to find a place to throw away the empty cup of coffee I've been carrying around.

On fashion: Tokyo-ites are extremely fashionable especially around Shibuya and Ginza. You could walk around in Armani and still feel underdressed.

On weather: It's f'ing cold right now. Girls here are apparently impervious since a significant number of them are in skirts when they don't need to be.

On allergies: Don't come here in March. Just don't. You'll be miserable. Hay fever was uncommon in Japan until the 60's when the government decided to reforest using Japanese Cedar. Needless to say, they didn't think that through and the anti-allergy business is now in full bloom (ha).

By the way, Internet access is still hard for me to come by so please don't ask me for anything right now because I will most definitely forget!


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I don't know why I found this all very funny XD
Isn't there a lot of dust? I hear it's common around china, korea, and japan around this time of year

Other than those negatives I hope the trip is still fun :)
good to hear you are having fun

maid cafe: I'd like to see them in costume, even just once

cleanliness: what if you'd want several cups of coffee

fashion: love their style, along with the Korean style

allergies: bad for me then, I do have allergies
Haha thanks for the tips. If i went to tokyo one day i'll remember ur advice
I wanted to go so much and then you mentioned fashion and allergies xD (about the girls in skirt...I've always thought about it...If I could walk around the street wrapped in a blanket in winter I would xD)
Maid cafes!!!! You have now reinforced every desire I ever had to visit one haha. Hope your allergies don't deter you too much! Have fun! Or get work done! Whatever you're doing in Asia... do it.
The Japaneses carry the trash with them in their bag until they reach home to throw them away. That's what I read in my school's text. Lol.
Clean and no trash bins... what? LOL That's actually really interesting to hear, Jason. Maybe they made it like that because a lot of people drink their coffee slowly while walking.
wow. clean, but no trash bins in sight? that's... weird and/or ... super weird.
oh well, you should put on more layers of coats then xD
take care and enjoy! ^^
I hope you're having fun!
Enjoy your vacation oppa ^^*
and take care, too :D
You're freezing cold in Japan.. I'm just about to die here in Australia, it's so damn hot!!
I'm glad you're enjoying your holiday. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your trip! ^_^
I don't know what to say except that you must be having fun while I boil and freeze at roughly the same time, sitting in front of my laptop in Australia. Lucky you.

As expected of Japan. Accurate.
Still, enjoy.:D
if you go to hong kong it's easier for interwebz