ღREDღ || Application || Park Sunji










AFF username+link: DreamingLight

What should I call you: Light

3 interesting facts about you: I´m German, a teacher to be, and in love with SHINee


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Name: Park Sunji

Nicknames: Susu ⇒ this nickname is only her childhod friend allowed to call her

Jinimini ⇒ a nickname she gained through her schoolmates who use it to teaser her

BabySun ⇒ this is what her boyfriend as well as best friend call her

Age: 19

Height & Weight: 155 cm & 45 kg

Birthday: 31.10.1993

Blood Type: AB

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Neckarsulm, Germany

Nationality: German

Ethnicity: full Korean

Languages: German (fluent) ; Korean (semi fluent) english (conversational)

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Ulzzang name: Hong YoungGi

Picture Links: Klick~

Back-Up Ulzzang: Park HwanHui

Picture Links: klick~

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Annyong I am Sunji .Well one of the first things you should know about me is, that I am person of extrems. I mean on one side I can realy lazy and quiet but the next secon I am virgously hardworking and outgoing.I am very bubly and love being the centre of attention, surrounded by people who listen to me talking to them animatingly. I am a real moodmaker and comedian and a true jokster at heart. Really I can make even the most boring topics sound interesting and fun.And since I am such a chatterboy, once I start talking there is no stopping me. Well almost none.I also am a big fan of fashion and style and always up to date with it. And I am a big fan of gossip. I mean I only belife half of the gossip you can read about all the idols online, but I just love it. It´s soo absurd and funny what some reporter write just to make some big headlines or get money. But I also love rying out new things. I just need action and fun in my life. Really the only thing I hate, and I mean sbolutley hate is boredom. Gahh just thinking of it makes me feel mad and frustrated.

But despide all of this I can also be very motherly.I take care of my friends and people I care for always making sure they are alright, happy and content.It´s almost an instinct to me.And if you hurt them in any way, shape or from I can ransform into a tiger. I would do anything to protect them. I am also good at giving advice, even thought it doesn´t seem like it. I am also a bit of en emphat you could say and so it is easy for me to understand another person and help them sort out their problems.

Another thing I really like, is wehn people compliment me on my skill and on my intellect and hardwork. Because despite all the bubblyness and funy person I am very smart and hardworking.I also love hearing that people appericate me. It gives me new energy and makes me feel proud of all of my acomplishments.

And I am clever and also know what I want in my life. Therefore, I would bever waste my time on something I don´t want or just something that seems insiginficant to me. And once I made my mind up on reaching a goal, There is no stopping me and I will do whatever I can to reach that goal. No matter what hardships may await me. I am a fighter nature. I work hard and always give my best and try o improve me. And once I see you do the same or my friends I also offer them words of encouragement or compliment them. Oh and remmber how I am very vocal? well I always voice my opinions and houghts. Yeah sure I sometimes do it without much thoght and I know that my very blunt side sometimes hurts people, but hey better like this then talking about them behind their backs or not voicing what you think and getting in a sticky situation. I am slo very honest. Really I never lie. I hate lieres and therefore won´t do it.Of course this overly honest side has got me into a lot of trouble already, and many people deem me as rude, but like I said I don´t care. As long as it comes from my heart the opinion of others doesn´t matter.

Oh and did I mention that I am a very good host? I always make sure people feel comfortable, that I tend to their every need or wish and that conversation is flowing and there are no awkward silences.I think this way, everyone can be more relaxed and it is more fun.

Another strong point of mine is, that I am very forgiving and symphatic. I can easily forgive others and I never once hated someone or something. I strongly dislike some things but hate? never. Not even once. Heck if I dislike a person I still help them if I have to and they really need it.Otherwise I just ignore them.And I am good at ignoring things.

And a big weakness of mine? I need to feel needed and loved. I need people to show me some affection and tell me they love me or need me. If not I can get easily depressed. I also love taking the lead and be given responsebiletys. Sure that stresses me out at times, but even so I would never push the wor away, simply because in the end I really love doing it.I am also a big er for romance, even so I myself never want a knight in ashining armor. Rather would I want a partner in crime. Someone to fight along side myself. And well thats me.

As you can see I am talkative, bubbly, a jokster, blunt, honest, a attention seeker, lazy, loving and caring, smart, hardwoking, original, pridefull and arrogant and even cold at times.


How do you do with being cute?: well I am okay with it. But seeing as I subconsiously do it all of the time I guess I amd oing pretty good with it.


- rain






-chocolate milk



-disney movies




-being alone




-getting up early







-parcours (01 | 02 | 03)


-puffs her cheeks when she is annoyed

-she always sleeps on her left side

-she talks i 3rd person when she is sleepy

-she bites her lips when she is worried

-she always says whats on her mind

-she is very expressionate

-when she is bored she either falls asleep or starts pranking people

-she jump hugs her friends in greeting no matter when or where

-when she is excited she acts as if she is on a sugar rush, and dances around

-when she is nervous she starts rambeling

Fears: -she is scraed of heights

- she is scared of insects

Major Flaw: -she is very blunt, always stating what is on her mind (sometimes without thinking first)

-she gets easily depressed when she feels unloved and/or alone

Specialty/Talent: -parcours



-Her favourite colours are pink and blue

-She lived the first 15 years of her life in Germany

-She is doing parcour since she is 13

-She is a big SHINee, Exo and Bigbang Fan

-She wants to try out being an MC one day

-she wants to be married before she turns 30

-she wants to have at least two children in the future

-she starts laughing when she hears/sees f(x) hot summer, SuperJunior sorrysorry and SHINees Forever or never

-Her favourite foods are Steak and Schnitzel mit Spätzle

-In school she was often teased because of her height

-she is a big anime fan and her favourites are Inuyasha and Prince of Tennis

-she once broker her left leg while doing parcours

-she loves annoying other when she is bored

-she has a stuffed mouse named Lilly

-she and her boyfriend wear couple necklaces he presented to her on her birthday


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Park Donghoon | 53 | works for audi | father | My father is a proud, gardworking yet very playfull man. He cares a lot about me and my family and tries to support us in any way he can.

Park Hana | 50 | journalist | mother | my mother is a very gentle and caring woman. She protects and guides us and is always there for us in our time of need. She gives us advice when we need it, supports us or just gives us strenght. 

Park Sangwon | 25 | goes to college | older brother | Sangwon is the oldest among us children and a true free spirit. He is playfull, caring and very hardworking when it comes to his goals. He also loves travelling and eating.

Park Jaehyun | 22 | gies to college | older brother | Jaehyun is stubborn as can be. But he is also a bit of a showw off and flirt. He loves history and skinship and is also very caring. Not to mention he is a true jokster and kid at heart.


I was born as the third child into a middle class family in German. My family thought was fully Korean but since my dad had worked for audi and got the chance of a promotion, he took it and so they moved to Neckarsulm, Germany when my mom was still pregnant with me and I was born there. 

I had a great childhood. I got along with most people I met, had a loving family and super awesome brothers and friends with whom I spend most of my time with. We were the whole day outside no matter what wetter and always played one thing or another. We went to adeventures in the forest or on the fields and had a lot of fun. Then when I was six and every girl in my class started to do ballet I felt a little left out but I wasn´t really into dancing instead I wanted to play soccer like my older brothers and so I begged my parents to allow me to play for a team and they of course agreed. Especially my dad was happy seeing as he is a big soccer fan. And then when I started soccer I loved it. This went on until I became 12 and everything in my new school really settled down. I started to loose interest in soccer especially since the group I hung out with were all into various forms of dancing and skating as well as hacking and parcours. At first I was verry recualnt in doing all of those things but soon enough I started to learn how to dance from them and only a year later they got me to agree to start doing parcours. At first it was hard and I had to go to the hospital more then once but I started to love doing it. Running around the city, jumping from buildings, over or around people and all that it´s just awesome and it makes me feel like a ninja, super awesome. Thought my family doesn´t really like me doing it. They are worried one day I will break my neck while doing it, yet they never tell to stop, just that I should be carefull and I appericate that. And so my life went on being great with awesome friends and family and good grades.

But then I turned 15 and I got a cd from one of my friends. It was a cd of SHINee and it changed my life. I listen to it and suddendly music started to become more and more importand in my life. It the end it was so important that I wanted to be a musician once I grew up and then when we went to visit my grandparents in Seoul in that year I saw a audition poster and taking my chance and went to that audition and I even made it. I was happy. I had the chance of becoming an idol. Even thought that also meant for me to move to Seoul and into one of the forms, going to school here and leaving all of my friends and my family behind. It was hard at first and more then once did I cry because of it, but I never regretted it and always tried to see the best in everything. And in the end I am happy I got this chance and happy with my life.

Best Friends: 

Key |22 | Tripple Tread of SHINee | we met through my boyfriend and at first we didn´t really get along. Our personality (being so similiar) just clashed. But once we got over it we started to see us for who we truly were and soon we became the best of friends. Thought we still fight from time to time. | we are like cat and mouse and times. we love teasing each other or having fights but we also love hanging out and having fun together or just lazing around. | Key is a true Umma who cares for his friends and loves to nagg at them. He is also a fashionista and very blunt not afraid to say whats on his mind.


Jung Jessica | 23 | Lead Vocalist of SNSD | The two of them are almost like sisters. They are really close with each other and care a great deal about the other. When they are together they are most of the time dorky, like joking around or gossip about this and that. They also take a lot of selcas together and post them later on. But not only that, they also try to help each other as good as they can.

GDragon | 23 | Leader of BigBang | GD and Sunji have an almost father-daughter relationship. GD looks after her and makes she is alright, he also often times helps her improve her rapping or helps her with her style. And while he also helps her and is a shoulder she cn cry on or someone who comforts her they also often time act like to children that just have fun together.


Choi Sulli | 18 | Vocalist of f(x) | she is cute, childish and innocent. A realy sweethard with a slightly dorky side to her. She is hardworking and everyone seems to love her. | we have been rivals every since me and Taemin/jonghyun started to be friends so for about 2 to 3 years.| she was always after Taemin/jonghyun but he never noticed her as more then a friend. And even though it annoyed her, she didn´t really mind. But then we started to become friends and started to grow even closer and so her jealousy started and she always tried to make me look bad in front of him. So I guess you could say we are true love rivals. 


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Love Interest: Lee Taemin | 19 | Maknae of SHINee |  Taemin is the gourgoes, cute and talented Maknae of SHINee. He is an amazing dancer and has great looks. He is funny and seems pure and innocent. But Taemin is also a rather shy person and doesn´t really know how to approach others. Especially if they are girls. He is awkward around new people and doesn´t seem to know what to say. He has a gentle personaliyt and heart, which charms others others and draws them in. On stage when dancing he seems powerful, y and cocentrated but when of stage he is like a innocent child that needs protection. He is very polite and would never raise his voice or let his emotions get out of control. He is hardworking to no end and always seeks to improve himself. He often times misplaces things or forgets something but he has other points that make more then up for it. He is also very playfull and caring. He is also very generous towards his Fans and friends. He loves making sure that they are all okay and happy and if that is not the case he tries his best to cheer them up. | He treats me like a princess and is always there for me. He cheers me up, tels me that he loves me, shows me that he loves me and is just always there for me. He gives me support and love and all the care that I need. But not only is he my boyfriend but also my best friend.

Have you met yet?  Yes    No 

~If yes, How do you act around each other:Well we are rather shy around each other if others are around, but even so if we are together we always seem to have some sort of skinship. We are also rather sweet and show our love for each other through small tokens of affection. We are open and supportive over the other. And even thought Taemin is very busy he always makes some time for me and calls me at least once a day. He is really cute, not to mention handsome. He treads me like I am his world. And he never makes me feel insecure about myself. He is awesome. But we also love teasing each other or playing around. We both have this child in us that we reveal around each other. And he knows almost everything about me. 

~If yes, How did you meet:I met Taemin while being a Trainee at SM. I mean being a Trainee there makes you run into one or another idol and with some you are even able t make friends. Thought for me that is rather hard, I always tend to stay away from them. Admire them from afar. I don´t know why but I feel like they are far, far away from me and don´t have the time for a lowly Trainee like me or that I am to young. But with Taemin it was different. He had to replace our dance instructor one day and it was awesome, seeing him up cose and all. But then after the lesson ended I stayed, wanting to review everything we learned and Taemin saw that and gave me some tips. We then talked and realized how much we had in common. I don´t know but somehow we just clicked and became the best of friends. But even so over the years this feelings changed and we both feel in love with each other.


Are you dating already?:  Yes   No  

~If yes, How did you fall in love: we were very close friends and over the time we became even closer and somehow the line between friendship and lovers just smudged. I think everyone realized that there was more going on between us. But even so we were both afraid to admit this feelings towards each other until one fatefull day. I was in a frustrated mood and so I stood on top of a rather high building in the park near sm. I was so frustrated that I decided to jump and run. And thats what I did, I jumped down the building. An Taemin along with the rest of SHINee who were passing by saw it and were shoked, because unfortunatly for them I never told them that I did parcours since I was 13 and so I think they thought I was going to kill myself. So while I was lowing down I heard their screams. And then I landed on my both feet and just looked at them when they came running over to me and lokking and shouting at me like crazy. I didn´t really get why they were acting so weird and then suddendly Taemin hugged me and told me that he thought he had lost me, that I had scared me and he thought he had lost the chance to tell me how he truly felt. I was confused and so I asked what he meant with that. He just looked into my eyes and then told me that he loved me. It shocked me, it really did but after a few second of realizing this wasn´t just a dram, I told him that I felt the same and so we have been dating ever since that fatefull day.

~If yes, a scenario that you want to happen: - a show were both RED and SHINee are on

- maybe them going on WGM or maybe red and their lovers could do a special version of Hello Baby

- a date to the amusment park




Back-up Love Interest: Kim Jonghyun | 22 | lead Vocalist of SHINee | Jonghyun seems to be a big flirt but the truth is, that he is a big romantic and very caring.Thought there is no point denying that he loves commenting about girls or making jokes about them, especially when he is around s. He is an extremly funny and adorable guy. He is easy to get along with despite his slightly coocky aura. He is emotional and hardworking and always gives his best. He wished to make his friends and fans proud and he does it everytime. He is a bit sensetive when i comes to his height and hates being teased about it. Then there is his love for skinship and his very affectionate site. He is a bit needy in that department you could say. But he can also be a real dork at times, thought that makes him just all the more loveable. |

He treats her very loving and caring always making her feel like the most important person on earth. He always helps her out when she needs it, protects her, talks to her, gives her support and cheers her on. He calls her at least once a day, even if it is just to ask how are you. He is always there for her and even spoils her, always showing how important she is to him.

Have you met yet?  Yes    No  

~If yes, How do you act around each other: when they are togethery they act very playfull around each other , constantly teasing and flirting. They also both love having skinship. But they also can talk about anything and everything. They have no secrest between each other and always talk openly about their thoughts and feelings. They give each other strength and support and all in all are like best friends. 

~If yes, How did you meet: I actually don´t really remember how exactly we met. I know that I saw him from time to time passing in the corridors or even seeing him in my break or during practice. And it wasn´t till I was 17 when we had the first real contact. I mean we already knew each other and had even talked few words in between but really aware of each other we became then. I wasn´t a too good singer so I had to get some more vocal practice and one of the coaches set up Jonghyun to give me some of the much needed training. And we really clicked. And he was able to help me a lot with my singing. And over time we became real close.


Are you dating already?:  Yes   No 

~If no, How do you want to fall in love: Actually they are already in love thought neither of them admited it yet. They are both afraid of admitting their feelings, in fear of runing their friendship should the other not feel the same and so they keep quiet. 

Their feelings grow over time more and more, their skinship and flirting gets stronger and everyone tells them they should just date or admit their feelings but both of them of course denie it until one day, either Sunji or Jonghyun gets jealous and in that jealous fit admits his/her feelings.


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Stage Name: Sunji

Personal Fan Club Name: Sunjines (pronounced Sunshines)

Personal Fan Club color: #ffff99


~Main Vocalist, Sub-Dancer [  ]

~Main Dancer [  ]

~Main Rapper, Sub-Dancer [ 2 ]

~Lead Vocalist, Sub-Rapper [  ]

~Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist [  ]

~Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist [  ]

~Triple Treat [ 1 ]


# of Trainee Years: 4 years

How did you become a trainee: 

I was 15 when we went to Seoul, Korea to celebrate christmas with my grandparents. Then one day while I was out shopping and looking for presents I saw a poster stating that there was an audition to be held and that everyone who thought had talend could come and try. At first I was a bit hesitant but then I decided this could be my only chance and that I should take it and so I went to the audition and to my suprise I even made it in. It made me really happy, despite the consequence that followed.

Was your trainee experience good?Why?:

My trainee experience hmmm.... they were good and bad. Good because I learned a lot about dancing, singing, rapping and acting. I also learned a lot about how to treat people and to read them to a certain point. I also learned patience, how to appericate what you have and how to have a strong will. How to fight for your belives and never give up and how to stay optimistic. And then I also made a lot of great friends. But then there were also the bad times. I was teased for being short or not being as fluent in korean at the beginning. I had to move into a dorm and couldn´t see my family all the time. I had to start to learn how to live on my own and be in strange city. Having to get up early ins´t really my forte either and then there were also the nasty fellow trainees or some of the coachs who just beat on you telling you you are flawed beyond anything and that you would never make it what greally gets you at times. But all in all I had a great trainee time that made me stronger .


-I was part of Ulzzang Shidae

- a cf model for cornflakes     

- a make up model    

- did a collaberation with singer Lyn (klick)              

Rapping Links:    1    2   3

Singing Links:  1   2  3

Dancing Links:  1   2  3

Past Scandals: -when it got out that she and Taemin were dating

What Scandals you want to happen:

-she is seen with one of her older brothers as they are shopping for engagement rings for her brothers girlfriend and the next day there is an articel saying she is cheating on taemin with an unkown person


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Song Suggestions: 

-every night

- talk to me-

+ any and all songs here


Anything else about you character: nope, only if you have a question

Scene/Plot Requests: nope I am open for everything

Comments: I love the story and I really, really hope I get choosen thought I would also understand if you decide against my chara.

ohh and Red could maybe stand for Retreat Extremly Dangerous or Ruby Eyed Dreams

Password: insects!!! they are just gahhh and cold I hte cold weather.


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