About Me. (Stolen from nerdylollipops)



→ answer all questions truthfully. 
→ do not change the questions.
→ feel free to take this from me.
→ avoid leaving the questions blank.
→ do not judge.
→ have fun. 



question number one → what's your name? 
: Arlee Hang c:

question number two → when's your birthdate? 
: 11/11/__

question number threee → where do you live?
: Minnesota, United States

question number four → single, taken or complicated?
: single.

question number five → sleep, eat or study?
: eat :DD

question number six → alone or someone to talk to? 
: depends on the situation.

question number seven → are you pretty or good-looking?
: I'm in dur middle rofls

question number eight → what does your username mean? 
: Means that I love watching the starry night, and because my eyes look like it has a dark stare. But really ._. my eyes are actually a pretty normal lightish brown (When I have makeup on).

question number nine → reading or writing? 
: both.

question number ten → what do you do during your free times?
: dance.

question number eleven → do you have pets? 
: A parakeet nmed Charlie (:

question number twelve → are you straight, gay, les or bi? 
: straight.

question number thirteen → how would you describe yourself in one word?
: Cray

question number fourteen → what's your first kpop song? 
: H.O.T - Candy

question number fifteen → what's your first k-drama?
: Full House c: w/ Bi Rain

question number sixteen → what's your first kpop group?
: Wow, hard, umm.. Missfinitexo. Does that count?

question number seventeen → who's your first kpop bias? 
: Suju's Heechul LOL 

question number eighteen → what's your type of music?
: Any

question number nineteen → what's your favorite kpop song?
: I hate you- Urban Zakapa atm.

question number twenty → who's your favorite female idol?
: Min, Hyoyeon, Fei, Jia, Suzy XD 

question number twenty one → who's your favorite male idol?
: Sungyeol, Lay, Kris, urm ._.

question number twenty two → kpop look alike? 
: None, I'm one of a kind foo`.

question number twenty three → sharing any birthdates with kpop idols?
: Haeryung from EXID and Minhwan from FT. Island.

question number twenty four → kik, tumblr, instagram, twitter and kakao? 
: tumbler- yosofly.tumblr.com || twitter - twitter.com/Yummyneenja || Follow me & I'll follow back c;

question number twenty five → favorite ulzzangs?
: I dunno ._. Nikking Massingham & Jovial Richards LOLOLOLOL. If you know them c; /shot/

question number twenty six → roleplay or no?
: roleplay.

question number twenty seven → height and weight?
: 157.5cm || 52 kg.

question number twenty eight → online friends?
: Jovial, Sade, Cynthia, Catherine, Bauj c: Not a lot.

question number twenty nine → bestfriends? 
: Bauj, Cynthia, Sade, Jovial

question number thirty → do you wanna know what your friends will answer to these questions?
: DO ETT *^* 



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