
Not entirely sure if today was a good day or a bad day.

I mean, everything was great until Math. I was in a good mood,  I got to listen to my iPod in Science and play super junior shake and everything was fine.

But as soon as I got to Math, went downhill.

Yesterday the highschool principal and vice principal were sitting in our math class and I don't remember why, but our teacher (who is a really ty teacher btw) decided we'd do a battle of the es math competition.


I'm not good with pressure or any form of competition. Thats why I didn't like skating or I did bad at volleyball games.

I psyc myself out.

So yesterday I sort of almost had an anxiety attack and made myself look like an idoit in front the principal and vice of the highschool.



and we did the same today except the principals weren't there.

I almost had another anxiety attack and almost started crying.  I can't do stuff like that, it just scares me really bad and my teacher got mad at me and some of the other kids for doing really badly.



welcome to the circle of hell i live in.
with regular anxiety attacks, crying, kpop, and lots of homework.



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elisaexplosive #1
Ugh I have anxiety attacks all the time. I feel your pain :( ! ♥
*shakes head* it traumatizes me to be in competitions too where I'm expected to know crap. -_- There's always second chances in life though~ for most things at least (well ____, I'm not really cheering you up, now am I?). Ignore the teacher. They don't know much about you anyways unless you talk with them often like I do with some of my teachers.