today wuz funnn (:

Okay, so I dont think I would want to talk about Literature because I got in trouble...again. Like does Ms. Deal hate me now?Cx

Anyways, before I got yelled at, everything was fun. Me and Tylor were making fun of each other and stuff. Ahaha :)

Moving on to Language Arts, today was Mrs. Reamer's birthday and she said she was turning 35 and like holy crap, she looks like she's still in her 20's!

Enrichment was okay, we worked on our powerpoint and this jerkface who sits next to me and hates cause I rejected him last year, he copied my topic. Argh, I was about to punch him cause he was copying everything I put in my powerpoint. -.-

Fourth period. Omg. P.E was the bestttt (:

First, warm up... Mr. Roberts did warm up with us so yay Cx

And then he told us to run 1 lap around the track but i didn't have to. Ahaha, i was asking him about the track shirts for me bestie. And like we were talking and then he was like "Are you seriously going to run? I was about to get you out of it!" when i was about to leave cause our conversation was kind of over. But then i was like "oh really? Okay, I'll stay cause i dont feel like running and stuff" and we talked a bit about track and stuff.

And then moments later, Jeret and DJ came running towards me and Mr. Roberts. We were standing by the gym door. XD And then came, running towards us and stuff cracking up super hard. And i think they saw me (i mean, im not that little) and DJ was pushing Jeret a bit. And they were talking about how Ms. Fischer was yelling at her kids.

Jeret was like "She said this - you guys are going to get an F! That's for no effort!" XDD

And then we came inside and Mackenzie was like "Where were you?!" and i happily announced that i skipped the one lap around the track aha (: After that, we transitioned to a game of ultimate football. Which is football where you can't step more than 2 steps.

I was on DJ's team and it was boys vs boys and girls vs girls so the guys were watching us girls play. We won the rock, paper, scissors game so us girls didn't have to wear the jerseys while the boys did.

Okay, this time i actually liked the game of football. Mr. Roberts was passing the ball to be and i got to throw (and actually did good) and it was fun.

Here's the highlight of the whole period. In the beginning of the game, I didn't know we started so Mackenzie threw the football go me and i wasn't ready and stuff so i failed at catching it. And Jeret was standing against the wall, watching me. And he laughed at my failure and we looked at each other and he was like "really ThuyVy?!" xD I mean, it's not the first time he laughed at me...i think.

And then later, he randomly grabbed our ball and he was about to throw it at me but i was top faraway and i think he knew i can't catch it so he threw it at Angelica instead XD

The boys on my team where cheering for me when i had the ball and stuff and i was like "yayy!" c:

Omg. Did i tell you guys what happened yesterday?! So yesterday Mr. Roberts put Jeret on my team and he was super happy and shiz and then later i switched with Emelia so i could be with my friend and Jeret looked back and he wad like "wtf... Why is she over there?!!?!" and he pointed at me with this funny face haha :)

But yeahhhhh, today was funny! And tomorrow we're gonna play the same game and i really hope we will be able to keep our team because i liked our team. And omg, Jeret and DJ were talking to Mr. Roberts after the period and like Mackenzie took the opportunity and came up with excuse and was like "we should go ask mr. Roberts about the team" and in my head i was like "i know your plan" and so i said "no, we can ask tomorrow" XD


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