Wanna publish but can't yet...

Ranting in sight... pissed about a stupid contest which seems to be dead but I want my fic to be published!

Back in October, I enrolled in a fanfic contest, in Hungarian language and any KPop fandom, it's supposed to have several turns, one contestant dropping out each time. For the first round, we were given one week. Yeah, 7 days... though they said the deadline isn't that strict. I wrote 6 pages or so and handed in the fic one day late, then the jury was supposed to give points and post up the fics in one week... but that didn't happen. Well first it was okay, they said we could be late a few days than they could as well... but the first round stil haven't been evaluated! Since November, and it's March! First, I was pissed because what, I wrote 6 pages almost on time, and it was a busy week. They just have to read and give points. We weren't even that many, like 12-14 or so? From time to time, we post something in the group so that they can know we're still there waiting, someone posted 24K's Hurry up and things like that, then they say they're busy but they'll give the points soon then silence again... by now, I don't care anymore about the contest. Last weekend, I translated my fic into English, and asked them if at least I can post it like that, but still no answer (facebook signals they haven't even seen my post...) so I'm starting to get angry now... I just want to be able to publish my fic. I love it and so does my sister who lectored it and I wrote it with a not very popular band I'm in love with, so I want to add something to the fandom so badly! Maybe I'll just tell them I quit the contest and publish it already... now I tried to pm one of the judges, but this is my last try. If she doesn't answer, I don't care anymore about this stupid contest... I really don't want much, just to share my fic with the world. Why can't I? ><


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