
I take pride in being the first in class and 5th in high school.

I take pride in being smart and good at learning.

So here I am, 4 am finishing writing an essay for Romanian after I slept all afternoon after coming back home. *sigh* And it's all about pride, taking pride in always having the homeworks and being a 'know-it-all' *sigh* I'm hateful, am I not? TT^TT



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It is better than demanding to be good without do any effort like I do >w<
you're just working hard for your future, all of this will be repaid ^^
narnia #2
Honestly, pride keeps me going in school too.
How on earth is it hateful if you want to do well in school and fulfill your responsibilities as a student?
You are too hard on yourself, you're a lovely person ^^
Feiruru #4
Yes, I'm a nerd. And Seungho teaches me every night.
Feiruru #5
same here. I'm also the #1 out of 223 pupils of 12th graders in my school. For 3 semesters. I walk around school with pride of it. lol who cares?
Nope, it's a good feeling to be able to take pride in your own work. Why would you be hateful for being proud of what you've accomplished through hard work? ^^
No, you're not! You're just naturally smart. ^-^