
Boss Nichi has given us the power to place a story in the featured section of the homepage. All we have to do is press the arrow.

So right now, the blame cannot be put on the algorithm, lol. But on the voters.

Everyone, almost, is complaining about fact fics getting featured. 

Well, we should, as a community, at least agree on a set of standards or criteria, that we will use to decide whether the fic is worth upvoting or not.

It is like free will. We were given the right to choose. (I sound like a Bantay Patroller). Let us choose or upvote wisely.

Don't upvote a story simply because you subscribed to it.

Don't upvote a story because the author coerced you to, else she won't update. Leave the story, I tell you. There are other better stories with nicer and more responsible authors here in AFF.

We have the power to change others opinions about AFF. 

It is that same power that puts a one-sentence-per-chapter-which-is-obviously-copied-from-an-outside-source-does-not reflect-effort fics in the featured section. 


This is no longer about popularity.


This is about our community.


Gah, it is frustrating that everyone is looked down upon just because of the sub standard featured fics that apparently most AFFers want. 


Hey, we have amazing writers here too! And it might take a while, but we have well-written fics as well! OM I just love this place Lol


I can't say the same thing about readers though ^^ They are quite easy to please. Hihi.


Readers, it is okay to be choosy so that authors would be encouraged to improve and not remain complacent. Also, try expanding our horizons and read stories even if they don't feature oppa or a love triangle with you in the center.


/marches back to my cave






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right on sister!
agree agree agree
agree x 1000000000000000000

there that's easier heheehehhe
dahliaoleander #3
*sends love hearts to ur cave* <3<3<3<3
lol... I totally agree...
hahaha.. I soo love how you said this!
/loves the fact that you have a cave
/tackles and glomps