Hullo~ (announcement time)

Umm hi there, my wonderful readers.

It's the first time I'm making a blog post on here...I feel a little awkward >.<

Anyhow, though most of you probably won't read this I wanted to announce a few upcomings.

Firstly, I shall be taking down most of my stories over the next month or so; it's not that I'm removing them permanently, but when I look back on my older writings they feel cringeworthy and embarrassing to me and I just want to improve them. I shall mainly be editting them and then reuploading, and my aim is to finish writing a story (or at least get a decent amount complete) before I start uploading the chapters. I know I have a bad record for updating and I understand just how frustrating it can be as a reader, so I don't want you guys to go through that.

Along with this, because I am making a complete fresh start, I might also be changing my username - though I don't know what I should change it to yet!

...welp, there you go - now don't panic if one of my stories randomly disappears (as if you would notice lol).

I love you guys.

- Fussie


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adollarmakesmeholla #1

FINISH YOUR BANGJAE WOMAN!& Change you name to Kash'sloverboy


_twist #2
ILU too. /heart/