Hiatus :(

i never thought i'm going to say this but i'm going on a hiatus, guys.

I'm sorry. i know i still have missing piece and oneshot request but 

i'm going to leave aff for a while. i need to gather my thoughts, and focus on my college first.

I'm having some problems, and i just got writer's block. and college is being an lately, well i just don't feel like going so yeah.

My life's a mess right now so i need to get off from aff for a while before i got back cause i'll just write a crappy stories if i don't.

I know i don't have that much subscribers but you guys who read my stories and like it, i'm more than grateful.

so thank you and i hope you'll stay with me until i come back :)


love you guys,




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aww~ good luck for your life and i'll be waiting for your comeback c;