
i just want to share my what i happened today at school, to me

so there are 35 students in my class,
one of them, is me
so, i'm soooooo talkative
what is in my mind, i'll spill it out without think twice
i'm frontal, yes i am
but i'm frontal to tell the truth
i mean like everything no not everything is the truth
my friends hate it when i talk sooo much in class
i knew they hate it, i really do
but this is me. i tried to control myself but i just can't

and today, i decided to...
do a survey /facepalm/
i said to myself that i'm ready for every result that will came out
i just didn't think it could be this much

i didn't think twice.

so, the survey was asking 
to all my classmates

"am i so annoying?" in other words "do you hate me so much?"

though i knew the truth, i just want them to be sincere

and the result is,

from 34 classmates, 30 of them answered



"You know you're so annoying and absolutely noisy"

"why did you dare to ask?"

--whiches me mosy of the times /le cries/

"not too"


and the other four said

"no, soso"

"well, no"


the day before, a teacher said to me

"you have no manner"


people thought what they said to me will came in and came out just after it
but no, they're wrong

what they said, though i never said, i keep thinking about it
again and again
as i said, i don't want what i am today
i want to be more quiet that people will like me,   more

and after the survey, i was like trying to control my feelings
but a sentence kept showing in my mind
"am i that annoying?"

till then, i sat on the floor and tried to laugh
but tears came down from my eyes instead
it was during break

i tried to fan myself with my hand so that tears wouldn't falling again
but failed.

few friends tried to calm me down, they said
"stop crying, those were all jokes" or
"don't take it so serious"

and i was like

'stop talking dude, i tried to stop'
then i laughed but tears kept falling down, i think that laugh made me cry even more /lol/

it came where my friends who said i was sooo annoying told me
"hey sorry, i was just joking earlier"

so, if i cried you'll say sorry...

and the others said "but if you don't talk at class, this class will be so silent"

and i was like
'and if i talk, you guys keep blaming me right?'

the bell rang,
one of my friends asked "why were you crying?"
and i said nothing really matter
then i asked her "am i that annoying?"

she said to me

"yes you are,
everyone are annoying,
in their own way.
no one is not annoying,
you shouldn't feel you're the only one
who's annoying because everyone is."

that's all

i don't think i will talk that much since what happened today

if you have any advice(s) or similar or not story(ies),
just comment bellow ^^;;








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You should be more close to your classmates :D I'm annoying and noisy too and whenever i ask my classmates whether i'm annoying or not, they will answer the same exact 3 words: "YES, YOU ARE", But they always like the Annoying and Noisy me ^^~ No, more like they Love the way i irritate the whoLe cLass ,, Maybe you're just misunderstood by you're classmates ..
skullsandr0ses #2
you should get close to the friend who advised you the "everyone is annoying" quote. x
Actually i had samiliar thing well i don't know if you can say similar but i smile alot like really really a lot ,but people took my smiles as idiot and careless there actually people told me how immature and careless i am, it hurt a lot seeing people didn't take me seriously no matter what. but my true friends always supported me and me smiles well i won't be lying but i don't smile as half as i used to do before , but telling the truth to people like in your case in my opinion it's great thing i really do so inn my opinion try to talk less but don't. change your straighforward good luck and don't. be mad or sad about it you'll get over it and everything will be fine