SM Boarding School Application

Application Form

AFF Username:SHINeeluvsME

Profile Link:

Is there something you'd like me to call you?: Kei is fine


Personal Information

Name: Jeong Jae-Lin, Jacey Jeong

Nickname(s): Jace (Like)

Birthday & Age: Age:18 B-Day: 05/15/1993

Blood Type:AB

Height:165 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Place of Birth: Busan,South Korea

Hometown: San Fransico,California

Ethnicity: American-Korean


Appearance & Style


Name of Ulzzang: Hong Young Ki

Style: Casual: Formal: Pajamas: Red Carpet Wear: (In each link there is 3-4 oufits on that page. Just giving u that heads up)


Character Information

Personality: I am a very happy person and rarely frowns. Most people mistake me as a little kid and it sometimes makes me a little angry. There is really two sides of me that you will ever exprieance and that is my good side and my bad side. My good side the side most people see. On that side i tend to be a very caring person.I don't really pay attention to the bad things that happen around me and just go with the flow. Im a really relaxed person.My Bad side is a side no one wants to see. If you get on my bad side i will make your life a living hell. I take notice on all you do when your around me. I'm a vicious person if somone gets on my bad side. I'm ready to put up a fight if needed too. This side rarely gets since or witnessed.

Likes: Books,Art,Music,Sports, and all Animals even the deadly ones

Dislikes: Make-Up, The Dark, Liars,plain things, and Homework :)

Hobbies: Painting,Reading,Soccer,Playing piano, and taking care of the animals at the animal shelter.

Habits: I walk sometimes when i read.

Trivia: I always wear the same necklace everyday. it was a gift i got from my real parents.

i tend to wear sneakers alot

I love to run in the rain

i tend to forget things and remember at the wrong time

i know 4 different languages. (English,Korean,Spanish, and Japanese)

I took Karate up until i was 15

Favorites: Favorite Color:Purple

Favorite Book:Lock and Key By Sarah Dessen

Favorite Food: Omurice

Favorite Sports:Basketball and Soccer

Favorite Song:The Winner Takes it all by ABBA

History:I was born when my parents were very old. They didn't like having a child at their age and decided to get rid of me But my sister didn't want that to happen. When i was two months old my sister decided to take me and run away. After 4 years she met her husband and thy both dcidd to start a family with me included. thats really my life story. All that i heard about my parents was that one of them was a famous a painter at one point is probably where i get my artistic abilities.

Other talents:

Other jobs: I work at a little cafe down the street but no knows except for CL and Dara


 Family and Friends Information

Siblings: Park Kay-Lee, Relationship:Good Personality: She is a very loud person and she is like my mother in so many different ways.She is 17 years older then me. The fact that she is 17 years older then me is probably the reason why she treats me like her daughter. She loves to be involed in my life ven when shes far away she somehow meddles in.

Other Relatives:Park Dongmin How he are related to Me: He is my sisters Husband and got married to her 4 years after i was born. Personaitly: He is like a fatherly figure to me and is very helpful when ever i need it or not. Sometimes i chose him over Kay-Lee

Park Miyoung: My Niece.She was born when i was 5. She is like a little sister to me and of course when having a little sister she can be annoying and always prying into my business.(i believe she got that from her mom.) I often end up covering up for her and her nischief.

Friends:CL,Minho,GD,Taemin,Changjo, and Dara



Relationship Information

Lover: Teen Top's Niel

Partners Personality: Most People regard him as a very quiet and cold person and he is only to people he doesn't know or isn't friends with. Once you really get to know him he warms up to you and is really a playful and kind. He is aways ready for a fight.

Why do you like him?: i really have no idea why i like him i just do. i guess after fighting with him so much hate turned into love

Good relationship or bad? Why?:bad because he often choses to ignore me and hang out with friends. He gets jealous quite often and its kinda hard since i have a lot of friends that are guys.

How would you guys like to meet? : I was in the library looking for a book to read and i accidently knocked into him. He wasn't so kind to me and my more agressive side came out and thats when i first met him and our lov hate relationship started.


Other  Information

Anything else?I wanted to add that i wanted to be in the artistic inclined but if i get choosen for something ls thats fine.





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