Note about the sequel

So, this story is going to be long. Like, so long that it's like a writing marathon. I hope that doesn't scare anyone away. If you can't tell from the poster, you're going to meet lots of new people in this one. There will be twists and turns and ups and downs. I have a multi page word document filled with notes I've taken from my research to put into the story. It's a little overwhelming but I hope you'll be patient with me while I write and try to balance that with life outside of my story. Also, this is still in Seunghyun's point of view. Jiyong's tale will come after this is finished if the demand is still there. *sigh* Glad I got that off my chest. Comments make my day, seriously. So...thank you for reading this. I'm a little incoherent when it comes to writing like I'm speaking because I'm not really good at talking to people. So, I hope you'll excuse my rambling and not let that affect your opinion of my writing. *blushes* *bows* *runs away*


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Don't worry I noticed it still love you as a writer.
I totally feel like a fangirl, i'm normally not so it's kinda a overwhelming, while I'm reading your story. But mostly like seriously not because I love this pairing that much, well I do but it's just because I really really love how your write. And I find myself fangirlyng for you writing. Well thats kind a scary but in my eyes every word you write just directly hit my chest with emotions and memories as would I read seunghyun biography. Seriously your amazing and since i also love hyunseungxgd and hyunseunxtop I really really can't wait to twist and plots and and and *blush*
I personally think its the best writing it in seunghyuns pov I would be kind a disappointed if not. Because somehow he was the one who had a broken heart I mean gd didn't go because he didn't liked seunghyun but because he followed reaching his dream still it must have hurt like hell. So when he sees him again I wanted to know the feelings you would gave him. Thats why I am totally satisfied with the pov choose of you. I definitiffly will hang on there with you. I can't wait fully patience I cry myself out by friends and make advertisement for you.
But I do hope you got used to me as well ;3
And much patience and success for the storie <3
I think I'm gonna suffer reading it but love it xD