JELLYFISH NEW CO-ED GROUP: ELEVATE Application || Kwon Sungjae


Kwon Sungjae

Ayo Wassup - 

Aff Username & Link: Kang_Sara

What do you want me to call you?:Sara



Name  : Kwon Sungjae

Nick Name:

Age: 21

Bloodtype: A

Birthday: September 14, 1991

Birthplace: Okinawa

Hometown: Incheon, Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean


Mandarin (fluent)

Japanese (fluent)

Korean (Fluent)



 Ho Junyeon

Pictures - 1-2-3-4-5

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 62 Kg

Style:Totally chic. it matches his cold city boy personality.

Extra: Cartiledge piercing on both ears, one conch piercing on his left ear, and double lobe piercings



Hes a cold city boy. He came from Japan and japanese was his first language so he had trouble communicating with Koreans when he moved back to Korea. He doesnt talk a lot but its okay because his looks make up for it. He's not quiet but just doesnt like talking to strangers or shouting in a loud voice, he has a soft spoken voice making it hard for others to hear him. Its really hard to read him because he always keeps a poker face and turns away or leaves the room when hes annoyed or upset about something, making him seem anti-social or cold towards everyone.

Hes really not though, Sungjae has a warm heart it just takes time for others to get used to him and his personality. Hes actually really protective of the female members and younger members like siblings, hes very good at taking care of others, and shows it by cooking and preparing everyones meals early in the morning. Sungjae is the member that isnt scared of blowing up on anti-fans if they get to carried away with harrasing the other members, hes not afraid to risk his reputation by scolding them, or scandals.


Hes quiet and doesnt talk a lot. when he does his voice is really soft and angelic shocking everyone. He's blunt and straight foreward which sort of scares the MC's but gives him a mysterious and alluring image.


Hes just as quiet on screen as off screen, he talks just a bit more than off screen because its with the members and not strangers. Suprisingly Sungjae loves skinship and often clings to other members especially Eunhye but hardly ever talks.


  • Singing
  • Reading
  • Piano
  • listening to music by himself
  • quiet areas
  • Photography
  • the beach
  • Iced Americano
  • Tonkatsu
  • Little kids
  • Really Really loves Skin ship



Noisey obnoxious people

Loud noises

People who are disrespectful to elders

When people go through his stuff without his permission

When anti-fans mess with the other members

When people sleep on his bed

Major Flaws:

  • Doesnt talk a lot so its hard to make friends
  • stuck with the image of a cold city player even though hes totally pure


  • Listening to music
  • reading
  • taking selcas
  • sleeping
  • Cooking


  • Crossing his arms when he feels uncomfortable on shows
  • rolling his eyes at people when they nag him
  • Slapping people who try to wake him up


  • Piano
  • Soccer
  • Baseball


  • Lived in Japan for 14 years
  • Japanese was his first language
  • began playing piano at the age of 6
  • out of all the members he feels closes to Eunhye because she cries easily but he can comfort her
  • A former japanese ulzzang
  • appeared in one of Brian Joos MV's
  • Eunhye is actually the only member that can get him to talk the most
  • Takes a lot of selcas of him and Eunhye and post them to twitter
  • is alllwwwwaaaayyysss on twitter
  • prior to debut he actually got into a fight with a fan boy who was harrasing Eunhye
  • His ideal type is actually an innocent girl with long black hair and milky skin, hard working and will be a good mother. because the traits match with Eunhye he jokes saying that he used to have a crush on her
  • He actually has a soft angelic voice when he speaks
  • Likes ballads and soft rock like Nell 
  • Really has no fears it was tested on Weekly Idol
  • After debut he actually got a lot of female idols asking him out
  • Passed auditions by singing The more i love you
  • Despite being a rapper he actually has more confidence in his voice which was noted to be similar to Super Juniors Yesung




  • Kwon Soomi|49|House mother that lives off the money his dad left them|Shes very protective and loving, not at all quiet like her son, shes bubbly and cheerful, a woman who loves to cook for her son and take care of him
  • Kwon Yoonmi|11|Student|Sungjaes baby sister who loves to be spoiled by her oppa. shes sweet but getting into that bratty stage where she demands anything, lucky for her Sungjae is willing to buy anything for his baby princess.


Best Friend:

  • Lee Jonghyun| They both attend the same vocal lessons at the same school. Jonghyun and Sungjae dont really gossip about idol life, and focus on music a lot which made Sungjae a lot more comfortable with Jonghyun. Jonghyun understands Sungjae doesnt chat with strangers often and makes sure to keep the atmosphere light and comfortable
  • Song Eunhye| Theyre lable mates, and group-mates. Sungjae and Eunhye are literally always together if shes not with Hakyeon. Sungjae feels most confident and relaxed with her around, and feels nervous when shes not. He takes care of her like a younger sister, and isnt afraid to destroy his reputation by protecting her.


Rival:Bang Yongguk|22|B.A.P|Charismic and Friendly|Sungjae just hates the idea of his love intrest and Yongguk always being so close together all the time, the fact theyre from the same company and work together often makes him feel insecure about himself.

Biggest Secret: Used to be in love with Eunhye and he actually is really sensetive and cries easily



Former Love  Song Eunhye|19|Idol|just a crush| When he met Eunhye she was always being pushed around by others, and he finally stepped in to back her up. She never really payed much attention to him for the first year but after the incident with her fanboy they became inseperable. However he realised she only saw him as a close friend, and that his love was most likely a love for a sister

Crush:  Song Jieun|22|Secret| Jieun is quiet and mysterious she doesnt show off a lot like the other members of her band. Shes sweet and has motherly characteristics

How Did You Meet?/How Do You Want To Meet?: After a music program Jieun approached Sungjae boldly despit being totally nervous, at first he hated it because he doesnt like girls that come on too strong. She met him again and apologized for acting like that, the innocence from her apology made Sungjae intrested in her suddenly.

How Do You Treat Each Other? At first he really didnt like her and found her annoying because she bugged him the whole music program. However after a while he warmed up to her even though he still kept his poker face. Jieun and Sungjae dont talk a lot when theyre with each other but they like that and like the silence from each other because its relaxing

Back up Crush:

How Did You Meet? :

How Do You Treat Each Other?

How do you want your love story to unfold: Jieun approaches Sungjae first at a music programe and doesnt leave Sungjae alone the whole time theyre there and he finally blows up on her telling her to leave him alone. She apologizes and leaves, the next time they meet at a programe she apologizes again sincerly and Sungjae feels really bad about it so he decides to treat her to coffee at the cafe downstairs. They end up moving on to friend status and sneaking out late at night to meet up with one another at small cafes. Jieun finally confesses one day but admits she felt burdened because she wasnt sure if Eunhye and Sungjae were dating. He apologizes again and admits that she was his first love, but he moved on and realized that he wants Eunhye to stay as a strict younger sister/best friend. He also admits that hes becoming more and more attracted to Jieun as they continue to meet up, but wants to wait and see where things end up because theyre both idols.

After another 3 months of secret meetings Sungjae finally decideds to ask Jieun to be his girlfriend which she happily agrees too. They (unlike Hakyeon and Eunhye) did a very good job at hiding their secret relationship and for the longest time no one ever found out the two were together.


Trainee Years: 4 years

How was your trainee life?:

He kept to himself and never got into a lot of trouble with the trainers or other trainees. a lot were scared of him, however the Trainers praised him for his hardwork and talents. He was set to debut earlier after 2 years as a soloist but wanted to train for another 2 years to define his skills

Pre-Debut Info: A former japanese ulzzang, and appered in an MV of Brian Joos

What Would You Like To Do On Your Own: Acting

Stage Name: Sungjae

Personal Fan Club Name: Hyesung's (Comets)

Fanclub color: Gold

Positions : Main Rapper, Vocalist, Visual

Persona: Lovely rapper (because he has a soft voice but harmonic raps not to mention his angel face)




Comments/Song Suggestions:

Anything else you want us to know about your character?:

Scene/Plot Requests: 

  • Sungjae takes Jieun out to the park at night because there are less people and they just lay back enjoying the warmth of the summer night
  • Sungjae to get into a heated fight with the girls fanboys because a male fan touched one of the girls inapproprietly, he saw it and flipped out on the male fan (by girls i meant girls of ELEVATE)
  • Sungjae to appear on Immortal song, hes not a main or lead vocalist because he was positioned in rapping but actually has a strong voice.

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