it almost that time for me

its all most that time for everyone when ever year comes i can't hold it in me to have faith in this but i know it had to come but i hope i can make thet best of it so i hope to live my life as a more grow up teen with more spirit and more hope everyone in about lest then three hour it well be the time and day for me to become some one new i hope you can support me and make me feel more happy but just don't over do it so want to know........supise.


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Sariita #1
Sorry for answering late, why I wouldn't support you? ^^
Lindatr2011 #2
Sorry for the late answer, i was studying and getting ready for my presentation.
3 hours later, it's your birthday.
Lindatr2011 #3
^_^ I will alway support you. Proud of you. If you ever need someone to talk, I will be here. Open-ear untie available at any time. :D