Thoughts on marriage

There's always something special about a wedding. It's the day when a couple choose to spend their lives together, the groom can cry and not be considered a wimp and the couple always has this amazing glow in the photographs. Love is the best natural cosmetic God created.

I watched that strong heart episode where Shindong proposes to his girlfriend and it was one of the most heartfelt things I had seen. Donghae and Kyuhyun looked like they were crying and the other three looked so happy for him. Shindong has made mistakes but that doesn't mean he should not be loved. 

Also a girl in my grade got engaged recently where another is now married. When I think about it I feel like 'wow I should get a move on,' as I'm one of the older people in the grade by a year so it would make sense that I get married sooner than the others right?

Well life isn't like that. There is someone out there for you, they won't be perfect but they will be who you need and they will need you. I guess for me the time to get married isn't now. Yes there is a guy (and I don't know if he's a kpop idol XD) but he will be the right person for me and I for him.

For those who are sad about being single don't be. I use to be but then I dated one douche and suddenly single life isn't such a bad thing :-P. I'm not telling you to go and date such people but just to enjoy the time you have to yourself until you do settle down with that special someone. Don't forget that kpop celebrities get married at a later age because of the army enlistment with the exceptions so don't feel you have to wait for them (unless you are seriously keen they are the guy/girl for you).

Congratulations to those on here who are in a relationship, engaged or married. Enjoy your lives together :)

Happy writing


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@DragonG I am having trouble understanding what it is that you said XD
i completely agree with this~ and i remember said douche :P blah.
xinli_ang #3
It's good you think that way! :D Some people start to get stressed when they see their classmates/friends get married and they're still single! :)