
Was I on hiatus? Meh, I had my reasons. I was depressed but I'm trurly sorry I wasn't so active, specially to the ones that I'm roleplaying with.

Depressed why? you would ask. Well Gio {my "crush"} he graduated and well I told him I liked him and stuff, his reaction was pretty good. He hugged me before he left and other stuff happened but don't know, I don't think something could happen between us since there's too much stuff going on with his ex, I'm on the process of moving on. 

I met this guy, his name is John, he's so ing adorable & he's so nice to me. I think I'm starting to like him? But woah there don't think I'm using him to forget Gio or something, because I'm not.

I've been talking a lot to my friend lately and she ended up telling me she hated John. WHY THE WOULD SHE -.-' She hasn't even met him or anything but, oh well. And even worse than that, two friends of mine died this past week because of car accidents. Two diferent ones. My dad doesn't give a about it and he's been treating me horribly lately.

My life's a disaster right now. And I'm on a break from school which is driving me insane. This week's been hell and I know the next one will be too. Unless I go out with John. He's thee only one that's able to make me smile these days. *sigh*

I'll try to be more active but no promises, I'm trying to stay away from everything and distract myself with other things, I need to interact with real people, not that you guy's aren't... eh, y'know what I mean right?


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Oh my goodnesss.
I'm so sorry, bb.
I hope everything gets better!