✸Mutant X|Cha Hyeyeon


Cha Hyeyeon

To You
AAF Username: Kang_Sara
AAF Profile: Profile~
Activity: 7

The Shadow
Full Name: Cha Hyeyeon
False Name: Iseul. Cha Iseul
*Nicknames: [optional]
Age: 17
Birthday: December 14, 1995
Height & Weight: 169cm 47kg
Bloodtype: A
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Hometown: Bucheon, South Korea.
Enthnity: Korean
Languages: Japanese [fluent] Korean [fluent] mandarin [fluent] Cantonese [conversational] Thai [Fluent]

The Reason I Became A Witch
generally a sweet girl, that will often avoid situations that involve fighting. She gives off a super innocent aura by the way she bats her e yelashes unconciously when she wants something. She also comes off as mature by the way she holds herself: tall, and confident. She doesnt get embarressed easily when people and will either laugh or brush them off. However despite her innocent looks a lot of people know not to judge her looks and actions by apperance. Hyeyeon is very witty and quick with comebacks, she's definatly not and its been known by the others that, even though she doesnt fool around with every single guy from Utopian, its just one guy that she spends at least 4-5 nights of the week with- Jo Youngmin, the same teenager that took her ity. She loves it when he wraps his arms around her, and the warmth and feeling of being protected. 

Hyeyeon is very smart and studious she often studies with Hongbin during free time or whenever hes not busy himself. Shes got a smart brain and if it werent for her Plant Manipulation others might think her ability was to obsorb as much information as she wanted. Hyeyeon comes off as quiet at first because shes an observer and thinker, but she really has a cheerful personality and likes to give others support or help them when theyre in need.

  • Flowers
  • Learning how to make medicine from flowers, from Hongbin
  • Reading
  • sleeping in late
  • Tonkatsu
  • Warmth
  • Sleeping with Youngmin, not but cuddling



  • The cold
  • Fighting
  • Eris [mian :(]
  • When people dont respect others
  • the cold
  • Getting Sick


  • Studying plants and flowers
  • Learning to make medicine from plants with Hongbin
  • Tending to the garden
  • Swimming in the pool
  • Watching Movies with a lot of warm blankets


  • Wasting the day by sleeping in
  • acting motherly
  • Talking back

Pet Peeves:

  • When people slurp noodles really obnoxiously
  • When someone is kicking the legs of the chair shes sitting on
  • When the guys in the house forget to put the toilet seat down =_=


  • Thunder+Lightning
  • Being Alone in the dark
  • Haunted places

Weakness: Coldness, burning flesh, Needles
Specialty: Cooking, Planting, medicine making

  • She has her own garden on one side of the roof of the hide out
  • for the moment she can only manipulate tree roots and flowers
  • Close with Aera
  • Everyone in the Hideout know Youngmin and Hyeyeon sleep together
  • Hyeyeon cant sleep unless shes with Youngmin
  • she practices medicine with Hongbin
  • Seen as a younger sister by Hongbin
  • although gracefull, shes also really clumsy and gets hurt a lot

Ulzzang: Lee So Ah
Pictures: 1-2-3-4-5-6
Back-Up Ulzzang: [same ulzzangs are taken]
Pictures: [min 3]

Style: long sweaters and leggings or tights. No skirts, No jeans, and Only shorts if its super hot outside.  1-2-3-4-5
Extra: Piercings

Family Background: Hyeyeon lived with just her older brother Hakyeon up until the age of 6 when he suddenly just left. She has no idea where her parents are or if theyre even alive. She was put through foster care and moved around a lot.
Family: Older Brother|Cha Hakyeon|22|Even though he left his sister when she was 6 he was still trying to find her, and it was just his luck that he found her with Aera. He takes good care of her and is really protective, he loves her with all his heart and feels guilty about the fact he left her.

  • Hongbin|19|Healing, force field|Hongbin is like an older brother who watches over Hyeyeon but doesnt scold her, he tells her right from wrong but doesnt expect her to always listen. Hongbin and Hyeyeon are often together studying, researching, or working together making medicine from plants.
  • Leo|22|Bone manipulation|He tried to kill her when they first met, but after apologizing they get along fine with each otehr. Leo isnt noisey and a pest, and Hyeyeon knows how to controll herself to not annoy Leo. 
  • Sulli|18|Lighting Manipulation|Sulli is one of Hyeyeons only female friends and the only girl other than Aera that Hyeyeon can talk to about anything. They could be best friends but Sulli is the type to go outside more often and goof around. Sulli and Hyeyeon are always together with the exception of Niel and Youngmin.

Best Friend:

  • Jo Youngmin|17|Ice Manipulation|They are best friends with benefits, However they also enjoy one another company during the day. Youngmin is like Hyeyeons shadow, their days usually consist of sleeping in late together, washing up then eating, they part their ways around 12 to go to their classes, Youngmin has physical education classes to test his abilities with Niel Sulli Amber Victoria Hyuna Suho, Sehun, and Tao. Where as Hyeyeon has Health with Hongbin Luhan DO Jieun Daehyun Minhyuk Soyu IU and Sohyun. after they go up to the rooftop and rest in the garden or if its really hot they swim in the pool. After dinner they watch TV with some of the other mutants then head back to their shared room to sleep, they dont have every night but occasionally they do.
  •  Ahn Daniel-Niel|19|Weapon Manipulation|Niel doesnt get to spend as much time alone with Hyeyeon because shes always with Youngmin, but they do get about an hour or two alone together during classes which Youngmin isnt in. Niel and Hyeyeon joke around together a lot and are really playful with one another.


  • [1-3. name|age| power|how you interact]
  • [1-3. name|age| power|how you interact]

Before The Dawn
Mutant Power/Ability: Plant Manipulation: Growing, Killing, or Controlling any type of Flowers. the ability can lead to Manipulating all plants but Hyeyeon can only Manipulate Flowers, and trees with thick long roots.
How you Found Out: She was at the park with her foster mother when a man tried to mug them. Hyeyeon was scared and the second he grabbed onto her arm she screamed crazily and struggled. There were a lot of Trees around the park and the roots curled around the man and began constricting his body until he finally burst from the pressure. Blood splattered across Hyeyeon and it was then she realized the man had already killed her foster mom. Being the only three in the area, Hyeyeon had an idea that the tree roots wrapping around the man were her doing so after getting home and cleaning herself off she went out back to the flower patch to observe the plants. After about 3 strainus hours of watching and mentally comanding the plant to do something it finally started to die, just like she wanted it to do.

life before utopia/brotherhood: Hyeyeon lived with her brother for about 6 years before he went with Eris and she was put in foster care. She was never bullied and had an average life like any other child. her foster mother found out aboubt Hyeyeons ability when she was 13 but never told Hyeyeon about it. 

How Old Were You When Aera Found You?: 15
How Do You Feel about the Mansion and the People?: theyre all kind people, and take care of one another well
Why did you pick Aera over Eris?: It felt safer with Aera, like there was more protection and security,

[fill out only with Eris, delete if not bad][bad]
What Did Eris do to recruit you?:
Why Do you Feel like you belong with her?:
What Caused you to want to Join Eris?


Strength: 6
Evasiveness: 7
Agility: 10
Speed: 10
Mentality: 10
Stealth: 8
Social Skills:7
Team Work:7
Overall Offense:4
Overall Defense:9

Control over Power:7

What is Love
Love Interest:Jo Kwangmin
False Name: Kwangmin
Age: 17
Power/Ability: Fire Manipulation
Personality:Somewhat nervous when it comes to going out on missions. but back at home hes super cocky and arrogant. He has total princely attitude. He's loud and obnoxious, but it doesnt mean that hes not considerate, He just hardly shows it. Hes observant and notices the little details. Hes smart but not as smart as his older brother. He doesnt hate his brother,  in fact he loves his brother and would hate having to hurt him, but they're on different sides and for Kwangmin its Eris before Youngmin. He has a short temper but unlike his brother cant hold it in.
How You Met: Eris and Aera met again to search for a new mutant., Kwangmin was also with her along with N and Leo.  Aera had Youngmin, Hyeyeon and Hongbin. N noticed Hyeyeon first and was distracted, he didnt notice that Leohad attacked her, when he did he shouted for them to stop and took his sister back to the ship whilist ordering everyone else to follow after him. Inside the ship N explained to Leo and Kwangmin that Hyeyeon was none other than his little sister shocking everyone. Back at the hideout Kwangmin stuck to Hyeyeons side despite her refusal, she hated how similar Kwangmin looked to Youngmin, and not able to take the rejection any more he told her Youngmin was his older twin brother. Kwangmin saw during the fight the way Youngmin tried his hardest to protect Hyeyeon and it pissed him off that his brother got to be with a girl like her. He wanted to make Youngmin bad by hurting her, only Leo beat him too it.
Relationship: [well? tell the details!]

Back Up Love Interest: Ren 17

Love Rival: Jo Youngmin
Power: Ice Manipulation (controlling ice, freezing things. manipulating ice into shapes)
Personality: Careing and sweet, hes very observant and notices every little detail. hes very intelligent and good at assesing situations. Hes quiet and only talks when its the  right time to talk. Hes short tempered and gets annoyed easily but knows how to hold it in. He cares for his younger twin, However for Youngmin its Kwangmin before Aera, and he will do anything to protect Kwangmin even if it meant betrayal.
How You Met: Youngmin, although the same age, was one of the mutants that Joined Aera on the search mission for the new mutant female: Hyeyeon.
Relationship: More like Best Friends with Benefits, because they are always together and do everything together. Youngmin likes Hyeyeon and doesn try to hide his feelings, where as Hyeyeon likes Youngmin but isnt sure if she wants to be more than friends. Theyve had together and were each others first time. by friends with benefits obviously they have with one another not every single day but every once or twice a week. Youngmin and Hyeyeon aslo sleep in the same bed together just because its more comfortable to the both of them.


  • Ren|17|Technology Manipulation|Bad|They argue a lot but its because Ren has a sassy attitude|He likes Her and she knows he likes her. Ren thinks Hyeyeon is perfect in every way and loves how gentel she is with flowers. He likes when she talks about certain flowers to him, when they arent arguing
  • Niel|19|Weapon Manipulation|good|Niel is normally loud and energetic, but he knows Hyeyeon doesnt like that type of stuff so hes always calm around her, they study together with Hongbin|Niel liked Hyeyeon the moment Aera introduced her to everyone when they got home. Hes close to her and a good friend, but not as close as Youngmin, he was really hurt when he found out that Youngmin and Hyeyeon had been sleeping together, but tried to keep their relationship at 'just friends'

*Who should you character end up with? Kwangmin


Break Down
How do you feel about your power? Perfectly fine with them, they arent enough to kill someone if i want to, and i have good controll over them, i just cant use them fully yet

How do you feel about the world? If we could all get along well it would be helpful but there are always going to be people to want to screw that up

Do you miss your family? My brother, i never knew my parents.

What's your favorite color and why? Baby blue and Baby pink, even though im young i like kids and cant wait to have kids.

How do you feel about the color red? its the color of seduction so....its a seductive color right?

Tell me your weakness: Burning flesh and the Cold

If you could trade yor power for anything, what would you trade it for? To save the life of someone on the verge of dying

Are you a cat or dog person? Dog, however small dogs slober a lot but little dogs REALLY STINK!

Speaking of, what's your favorite animal? baby turtles

How would you react to one of your loved ones dying? I would start bawling and freaking out

Say, who's your favorite band? VIXX, Teen Top, Infinite, your asking me to pick? isnt that a bit harsh? ;)

Do you like us? i love you all so much~ ill bake you cookies but then eat them myself ^.^

Comments: I dont mind if you tweak my character a bit. i dont want her to die, or  youngmin or kwangmin. well if theres going to be some epic death ending where Eris and Aera both die then my character to gather up as much as the other mutants left from both side and create a new group all together. um for make out scenes? well Youngmin and Hyeyeon are friends with benefits but Kwangmin also likes Hyeyeon and not just because Youngmin is intrested in her...... so...yeah some make out scenes or things like that, i truthfully dont care if theres between Hyeyeon and Kwangmin or Youngmin. i dont know what you mean by "stopping point." 

Suggestions: hmm....Niel dies, waaah i love Niel but....Niel should die. 
Scene Requests:

  • Welll *gosh this is embarressing!* makeout or/and scene with Youngmin, but then after shes kidnaped by the brotherhood a makout/ scene with Kwangmin
  • When Aera takes her group out to look for the new mutant boy they also meet Eris and Hyeyeon ends up getting taken hostage and lives with them.
  • Woohyun tries to.....get with Hyeyeon but Kwangmin saves her.
  • Hyeyeon gets into an argument with her brother because he wont let her go back to Utopia, and she makes it clear that she hates the brotherhood, the people there, Eris, and her brother for bringing her here. He apologizes for leaving her, and bringing her back, and understands why she hates him

Password: can i just spam you with a bunch of VIXX gifs? because i really just want to xD can i? oh well i will anyway ^.^

okay and my favoorrriiiiteeee~~~! ^.^



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