Teaser ~




Check the teaser here.



I can't even handle my feels okay TT.TT Everything about their concept is just aksdfhaksdfmlaksdg

I can't wait any longer ! Although, I'm still waiting for EXO to have their comeback too !

I mean, U-Kiss will be coming back next week and then Infinite will have their comeback soon,

while EXO.... I don't know, but I'll be patiently waiting TTuTT MY FEELS I CANNOT CONTAIN IT ! 

GAAAAAAAAAAHD SUNGGYU STOP BEING SO PERFECT i know which eyes is yours XD obviously kekkekeke ~ 


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I just watched the teaser. It's amaaazing. The lollipop part made me smile, but overall it looked super serious and professional and cool :D
I hope they come back soooon, because I need something pronto while I wait for EXO T_T